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Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a 2D vector image format based on an {{Glossary("XML")}}  syntax.

The {{Glossary("W3C")}}  began work on SVG in the late 1990s, but SVG only became popular when {{Glossary("Microsoft Internet Explorer", "Internet Explorer")}}  9 came out with SVG support. All major {{Glossary("browser","browsers")}}  now support SVG.

Based on an {{Glossary("XML")}}  syntax, SVG can be styled with {{Glossary("CSS")}}  and made interactive using {{Glossary("JavaScript")}} . HTML allows direct embedding of SVG {{Glossary("Tag","tags")}}  in an {{Glossary("HTML")}}  document.

As a vector image format, SVG graphics can scale infinitely, making them invaluable in {{Glossary("responsive web design", "responsive design")}} , since you can create interface elements and graphics that scale to any screen size. SVG also provides a useful set of tools, such as clipping, masking, filters, and animations.

See also

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