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Whitespace refers to {{Glossary("Character", "characters")}}  which are used to provide horizontal or vertical space between other characters. Whitespace is often used to separate tokens in {{Glossary("HTML")}} , {{Glossary("CSS")}} , {{Glossary("JavaScript")}} , and other computer languages.

Whitespace characters and their usage vary among languages.


The Infra Living Standard defines five characters as “{{Glossary("ASCII")}}  whitespace”: U+0009 TAB, U+000A LF, U+000C FF, U+000D CR, and U+0020 SPACE.

In JavaScript

The ECMAScript Language Specification defines several Unicode code points as “white space”: U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION <TAB>, U+000B LINE TABULATION <VT>, U+000C FORM FEED <FF>, U+0020 SPACE <SP>, U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE <NBSP>, U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE <ZWNBSP>, and any other Unicode “Space_Separator” code points <USP>.

See also

In this article

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