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Structuring content with HTML


{{NextMenu("Learn_web_development/Core/Structuring_content/Basic_HTML_syntax", "Learn_web_development/Core")}} 

HTML is the technology that defines the content and structure of any website. Written properly, it should also define the semantics (meaning) of the content in a machine-readable way, which is vital for accessibility, search engine optimization, and making use of the built-in features browsers provide for content to work optimally. This module covers the basics of the language, before looking at key areas such as document structure, links, lists, images, forms, and more.


Before starting this module, you don’t need any previous HTML knowledge, but you should have at least basic familiarity with using computers and using the web passively (i.e., just looking at it and consuming content). You should have a basic work environment set up (as detailed in Installing basic software), and understand how to create and manage files (as detailed in Dealing with files). Both are parts of our Getting started with the web complete beginner’s module.

[!NOTE] If you are working on a computer/tablet/other device where you don’t have the ability to create your own files, you could try out (most of) the code examples in an online coding program such as JSBin or Glitch.

Tutorials and challenges

Additional tutorials

These tutorials are not part of the learning pathway, but they are interesting nonetheless — you should consider these as stretch goals, to optionally study when you are done with the main Core articles.

See also

{{NextMenu("Learn_web_development/Core/Structuring_content/Basic_HTML_syntax", "Learn_web_development/Core")}} 

In this article

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