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What is web performance?

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Web performance is all about making websites fast, including making slow processes seem fast. Does the site load quickly, allow the user to start interacting with it quickly, and offer reassuring feedback if something is taking time to load (e.g. a loading spinner)? Are scrolling and animations smooth? This article provides a brief introduction to objective, measurable web performance*, looking at what technologies, techniques, and tools are involved in web optimization.

Prerequisites: Basic software installed, and basic knowledge of client-side web technologies.
Objective: To gain basic familiarity of what is involved with web performance.

* versus subjective, perceived performance, covered in the next article

What is web performance?

Web performance is the objective measurement and perceived user experience of a website or application. This includes the following major areas:

To summarize, many features impact performance including latency, application size, the number of DOM nodes, the number of resource requests made, JavaScript performance, CPU load, and more. It is important to minimize the loading and response times, and add additional features to conceal latency by making the experience as available and interactive as possible, as soon as possible, while asynchronously loading in the longer tail parts of the experience.

[!NOTE] Web performance includes both objective measurements like time to load, frames per second, and time to interactive, and subjective experiences of how long it felt like it took the content to load.

How content is rendered

To effectively understand web performance, the issues behind it, and the major topic areas we mentioned above, you really should understand some specifics about how browsers work. This includes:


That’s it for now; we hope our brief overview of the web performance topic helped you to get an idea of what it is all about, and made you excited to learn more. Next up we’ll look at perceived performance, and how you can use some clever techniques to make some unavoidable performance hits appear less severe to the user, or disguise them completely.

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