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Express Tutorial Part 6: Working with forms

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In this tutorial we’ll show you how to work with HTML Forms in Express using Pug. In particular, we’ll discuss how to write forms to create, update, and delete documents from the site’s database.

Prerequisites: Complete all previous tutorial topics, including Express Tutorial Part 5: Displaying library data
Objective: To understand how to write forms to get data from users, and update the database with this data.


An HTML Form is a group of one or more fields/widgets on a web page that can be used to collect information from users for submission to a server. Forms are a flexible mechanism for collecting user input because there are suitable form inputs available for entering many different types of data—text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, date pickers, etc. Forms are also a relatively secure way of sharing data with the server, as they allow us to send data in POST requests with cross-site request forgery protection.

Working with forms can be complicated! Developers need to write HTML for the form, validate and properly sanitize entered data on the server (and possibly also in the browser), repost the form with error messages to inform users of any invalid fields, handle the data when it has successfully been submitted, and finally respond to the user in some way to indicate success.

In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how the above operations may be performed in Express. Along the way, we’ll extend the LocalLibrary website to allow users to create, edit and delete items from the library.

[!NOTE] We haven’t looked at how to restrict particular routes to authenticated or authorized users, so at this point, any user will be able to make changes to the database.

HTML Forms

First a brief overview of HTML Forms. Consider a simple HTML form, with a single text field for entering the name of some “team”, and its associated label:

Simple name field example in HTML form

The form is defined in HTML as a collection of elements inside <form>…</form> tags, containing at least one input element of type="submit".

<form action="/team_name_url/" method="post">
  <label for="team_name">Enter name: </label>
    value="Default name for team." />
  <input type="submit" value="OK" />

While here we have included just one (text) field for entering the team name, a form may contain any number of other input elements and their associated labels. The field’s type attribute defines what sort of widget will be displayed. The name and id of the field are used to identify the field in JavaScript/CSS/HTML, while value defines the initial value for the field when it is first displayed. The matching team label is specified using the label tag (see “Enter name” above), with a for field containing the id value of the associated input.

The submit input will be displayed as a button (by default)—this can be pressed by the user to upload the data contained by the other input elements to the server (in this case, just the team_name). The form attributes define the HTTP method used to send the data and the destination of the data on the server (action):

Form handling process

Form handling uses all of the same techniques that we learned for displaying information about our models: the route sends our request to a controller function which performs any database actions required, including reading data from the models, then generates and returns an HTML page. What makes things more complicated is that the server also needs to be able to process the data provided by the user, and redisplay the form with error information if there are any problems.

A process flowchart for processing form requests is shown below, starting with a request for a page containing a form (shown in green):

Web server form request processing flowchart. Browser requests for the page containing the form by sending an HTTP GET request. The server creates an empty default form and returns it to the user. The user populates or updates the form, submitting it via HTTP POST with form data. The server validates the received form data. If the user-provided data is invalid, the server recreates the form with the user-entered data and error messages and sends it back to the user for the user to update and resubmits via HTTP Post, and it validates again. If the data is valid, the server performs actions on the valid data and redirects the user to the success URL.

As shown in the diagram above, the main things that form handling code needs to do are:

  1. Display the default form the first time it is requested by the user.

    • The form may contain blank fields (e.g. if you’re creating a new record), or it may be pre-populated with initial values (e.g. if you are changing a record, or have useful default initial values).
  2. Receive data submitted by the user, usually in an HTTP POST request.

  3. Validate and sanitize the data.

  4. If any data is invalid, re-display the form—this time with any user populated values and error messages for the problem fields.

  5. If all data is valid, perform required actions (e.g. save the data in the database, send a notification email, return the result of a search, upload a file, etc.)

  6. Once all actions are complete, redirect the user to another page.

Often form handling code is implemented using a GET route for the initial display of the form and a POST route to the same path for handling validation and processing of form data. This is the approach that will be used in this tutorial.

Express itself doesn’t provide any specific support for form handling operations, but it can use middleware to process POST and GET parameters from the form, and to validate/sanitize their values.

Validation and sanitization

Before the data from a form is stored it must be validated and sanitized:

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the popular express-validator module to perform both validation and sanitization of our form data.


Install the module by running the following command in the root of the project.

npm install express-validator

Using express-validator

[!NOTE] The express-validator guide on GitHub provides a good overview of the API. We recommend you read that to get an idea of all its capabilities (including using schema validation and creating custom validators). Below we cover just a subset that is useful for the LocalLibrary.

To use the validator in our controllers, we specify the particular functions we want to import from the express-validator module, as shown below:

const { body, validationResult } = require("express-validator");

There are many functions available, allowing you to check and sanitize data from request parameters, body, headers, cookies, etc., or all of them at once. For this tutorial, we’ll primarily be using body and validationResult (as “required” above).

The functions are defined as below:

The validation and sanitization chains are middleware that should be passed to the Express route handler (we do this indirectly, via the controller). When the middleware runs, each validator/sanitizer is run in the order specified.

We’ll cover some real examples when we implement the LocalLibrary forms below.

Form design

Many of the models in the library are related/dependent—for example, a Book requires an Author, and may also have one or more Genres. This raises the question of how we should handle the case where a user wishes to:

For this project we will simplify the implementation by stating that a form can only:

[!NOTE] A more flexible implementation might allow you to create the dependent objects when creating a new object, and delete any object at any time (for example, by deleting dependent objects, or by removing references to the deleted object from the database).


In order to implement our form handling code, we will need two routes that have the same URL pattern. The first (GET) route is used to display a new empty form for creating the object. The second route (POST) is used for validating data entered by the user, and then saving the information and redirecting to the detail page (if the data is valid) or redisplaying the form with errors (if the data is invalid).

We have already created the routes for all our model’s create pages in /routes/catalog.js (in a previous tutorial). For example, the genre routes are shown below:

// GET request for creating a Genre. NOTE This must come before route that displays Genre (uses id).
router.get("/genre/create", genre_controller.genre_create_get);

// POST request for creating Genre."/genre/create", genre_controller.genre_create_post);

Express forms subarticles

The following sub articles will take us through the process of adding the required forms to our example application. You need to read and work through each one in turn, before moving on to the next one.

  1. Create Genre form — Defining a page to create Genre objects.
  2. Create Author form — Defining a page to create Author objects.
  3. Create Book form — Defining a page/form to create Book objects.
  4. Create BookInstance form — Defining a page/form to create BookInstance objects.
  5. Delete Author form — Defining a page to delete Author objects.
  6. Update Book form — Defining page to update Book objects.

Challenge yourself

Implement the delete pages for the Book, BookInstance, and Genre models, linking them from the associated detail pages in the same way as our Author delete page. The pages should follow the same design approach:

A few tips:

Implement the update pages for the BookInstance, Author, and Genre models, linking them from the associated detail pages in the same way as our Book update page.

A few tips:


Express, node, and third-party packages on npm provide everything you need to add forms to your website. In this article, you’ve learned how to create forms using Pug, validate and sanitize input using express-validator, and add, delete, and modify records in the database.

You should now understand how to add basic forms and form-handling code to your own node websites!

See also

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