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Research and learning


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[!NOTE] The content in this article is currently incomplete, sorry about that! We are working hard to improve the MDN Learn Web Development section, and we will have places marked as incomplete (“TODO”) finished soon.

There is a lot to know as a web developer, and you are constantly learning. But how do you find out what you need to know most effectively? This article provides useful tips on research and learning.

Prerequisites: N/A
Learning outcomes:
  • Effective research methodologies
  • Get into the mindset of constant learning.

Effective research

Web developers spend a lot of time searching for solutions to problems encountered in their work. Students should learn effective strategies for finding answers, and when to use which methods (e.g. don’t jump straight to pestering the senior dev every time you hit a roadblock).

These strategies include:

[!NOTE] There is definitely a balance to knowing the right time to ask for help. Web developers shouldn’t constantly pester their peers/colleagues, but equally, they shouldn’t soldier on and pretend they know what they are doing when they don’t. Consider the value of saying “I don’t know” at the right time.

Constant learning mindset

Students should get into the mindset of constant learning. The web is constantly evolving and technologies and trends are always changing, and they need to constantly update their knowledge to keep up.

Recommended news and information sites:

See also

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