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Publishing your website


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Once you finish writing the code and organizing the files that make up your website, you need to put it all online so people can find it. This article explains how to get your sample website online with little effort.

[!NOTE] You’ll need a sample website available on your local computer to follow along with this article. It should contain at least a valid index.html file. If you’ve not done so already, we’d advise you to build one by working through the previous articles in this module, starting with What will your website look like?.

Prerequisites: Basic familiarity with your computer operating system, the basic software you will use to build a website, and file systems.
Learning outcomes:
  • The basic tools and concepts involved in publishing a website — hosting, domains, FTP programs.
  • What alternative hosting options are available, for example Google App Engine, GitHub, and CodePen.
  • Publishing a website using GitHub Pages.
  • Hosting, how to purchase it, and how to put a website online.
  • How to register a domain.

What are the options?

Publishing a website is a complex topic because there are many ways to go about it. This article doesn’t attempt to document all the possible methods. Instead, it explains the advantages and disadvantages of three approaches that are practical for beginners. Then it steps through one method that can work right away for many readers.

Getting hosting and a domain name

To have more control over content and website appearance, most professionals/businesses choose to buy web hosting and a domain name:

If you get your web hosting and domain name from the same company, they tend to be configured automatically to talk to one another. However, If you get them from separate companies, or want to change your hosting to a different company, you need to do a bit of setup to point the domain name to the correct server. This is so that people will see your website when they navigate to that web address. This is usually done by logging into your domain registrar’s website, and setting your domain’s nameservers to the ones provided by your hosting company.

Companies use various mechanisms to transfer files to their web servers. Many will have more than one option; typical options include:

Tips for finding hosting and domains

Using an online tool like GitHub or Google App Engine

Some tools let you publish your website online:

These options are generally free, with a limited feature-set.

Using a web-based IDE such as CodePen

There are a number of web apps that emulate a website development environment, allowing you to write HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which is then rendered and displayed in an output pane. Generally speaking, these tools are easy to use, great for learning, good for sharing code (for example, if you want to share a technique with or ask for debugging help from colleagues in a different office), and free (for basic features). They host your rendered page at a unique web address. However, the features are limited, and these apps often don’t provide hosting space for assets (like images).

Try playing with some of these examples to find out which one works best for you:

Publishing via GitHub

Now let’s examine how to publish your site via GitHub Pages.

  1. First of all, sign up for GitHub and verify your email address.

  2. Next, you need to create a repository to store files. On this page:

    1. in the Repository name box, enter, where username is your username. For example, our friend Bob Smith would enter
    2. Click the Create repository button at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the next page, find the uploading an existing file link, and click on it. This should bring you to the file upload page.

  4. At this point, you should be able to drag and drop files from your local file system onto the web page to upload them to the GitHub repository. To do so:

    1. Open a file explorer/finder window on your computer.
    2. Make sure you can see the file explorer and the web browser windows — position them next to one another on your screen.
    3. Navigate the file explorer window to the folder containing your sample website.

      [!NOTE] Make sure your folder has an index.html file.

    4. Select all of your sample website’s files (for example using the Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut, or Cmd + A on macOS).
    5. Drag the files from your file explorer over the “Drag files here to add them to your repository” section of the GitHub page.
    6. The section’s border and text changes to indicate a drop is possible. Drop the files at this point.
    7. Click the Commit changes button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Navigate your browser to to see your website online. For example, for the username chrisdavidmills, go to

    [!NOTE] It may take a few minutes for your website to go live. If your website does not display immediately, wait a few minutes and try again.

To learn more, see GitHub Pages Help.

Further reading

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