MDN Web Docs mirror

Pull request submission and reviews

This document describes how contributors make changes to MDN Web Docs and how the changes are reviewed and land on the site. Content changes to MDN Web Docs include:

Regardless of how content changes are done, they are submitted as pull requests on GitHub. The content changes go through the following stages before they are published on MDN Web Docs:

  1. Submitting changes: As a pull request author, you submit changes via opening a pull request. See the sections Before you start, Open a pull request, and After you open a pull request to learn more about our processes.
  2. Reviewing changes: Your changes are reviewed by MDN members and volunteers. See the section Pull request review process for more details.
  3. Viewing published changes: Content updated on mdn/content goes live within a day of merging via a site rebuild once every 24 hours.

Submitting changes

Values and participation

We want MDN Web Docs to be a welcoming, friendly community that we can all be proud of. All participants must follow our Code of Conduct which means adhering to Mozilla’s Community Participation Guidelines. Be polite and constructive when opening pull requests, writing review comments, interacting with the pull request author or other community members. If you or someone else has experienced behavior that is potentially illegal or makes you feel unsafe, unwelcome, or uncomfortable, we encourage you to report it.

Before you start

Before you start work on MDN, please go through the recommendations and guidelines listed below.

Pull requests must resolve or partially fix an existing issue. The reason why we have this restriction is to avoid that you start on any kind of task that someone else might already be working on. Search through issues and pull requests in the MDN repository you want to contribute to and confirm that the work you want to start is not already being worked on. When looking to contribute to the MDN project, you will find yourself in one of the following situations:

If you’re not sure where to start, reach out to us on the Discord server and ask for feedback.

Open a pull request

When you’re ready to open a pull request, follow these guidelines:

After you open a pull request

Pull request review process

Reviewer(s) are automatically assigned when you open a pull request based on a CODEOWNERS file, but if there is a specific person you want to request review from, you can request a review manually. We also use auto-labeling on pull requests to help us triage them. Maintainers can further triage pull requests and add any additional labels, such as needs-info or on-hold, if needed based on context.

If you want to review a pull request but are not listed as a reviewer, you may add yourself as one. It’s polite to check with existing reviewers first by commenting on the pull request that you intend to start a review.

Reviewers and assignees

The MDN Web Docs team uses reviewers and assignees to track the status of pull requests.

A pull request reviewer or assignee is responsible for merging the changes.

Before you start with a review, check the pull request description to make sure no one specific should review it. Ensure that all continuous integration (CI) tasks have been completed successfully and that there are no merge conflicts.

If any tasks fail or there are merge conflicts, communicate this to the author; it is their responsibility to address these. You may set the author as an assignee to indicate that a pull request needs their attention before a review can start. Do leave the door open to the author to ask for help, especially new contributors to the project.

Reviewing a pull request

When it comes to the changes in a pull request, content and prose must adhere to the MDN Writing style guide and example code must follow the code style guide.

When you are reviewing a pull request, you should:

If a pull request looks good apart from small typos or other minor issues, you may want to fix the problem directly. You can do this provided the pull request has been set up to allow changes. It’s recommended to use comments with suggestions for fixing minor issues, as they can be batched and committed in one go.

When submitting your review you have three options, approve, comment, or request changes. The following sections explain when to use each option.

Requesting changes

Use the request changes option when the feedback you provided needs to be addressed by the author and re-reviewed by the reviewer before the pull request can be approved and merged.


Use the comment option when your feedback is not critical and will not require a re-review. In short, you trust the author and other reviewers to use good judgment.


Use the approve option when everything looks good and is ready to merge from your perspective. After submitting your review, you can safely merge the pull request if there are no other reviewers or any outstanding review comments to address.

What to do if you are stuck

If you don’t understand a content change or feel that it is too large and complex for you to deal with, don’t panic! A good place to start is by asking for information from the pull request author to help.

It is rare that you’ll be required to review a large, complex content change with no warning. If this does happen, however, the pull request description should link to an issue that explains the background information.

If you are still not sure or if you think the content is suspicious, reach out to the MDN Web Docs team and ask for help.

Guidelines for turnaround times for authors and reviewers

This section provides details for expected turnaround times while responding to review comments if you’re a pull request author and while reviewing pull requests if you’re a reviewer.

External reviewers

Some pull requests on the MDN content repo relate to specific work by browser vendors or organizations with defined authors and reviewers. The author will include the username of the reviewer in a line at the bottom of the pull request description in these cases, for example:

reviewer: @jpmedley

If you receive a review request and you have been overridden with another reviewer in the manner described above, do not review the changes. Once the reviewer mentioned in the description has approved the changes, they will ask for an approval required by the CODEOWNERS.

Reading list

Reviewers are encouraged to read the following articles for help with common tasks:

In this article

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