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Commonly-used macros

This page lists many of the general-purpose macros created for use on MDN. For additional how-to information on using these macros, see Using macros.

See Other macros for information on macros that are infrequently used, are used only in special contexts, or are deprecated.


MDN provides a number of link macros for easing the creation of links to reference pages, glossary entries, and other topics.

Link macros are recommended over normal Markdown links because they are succinct and translation-friendly. For example, a glossary or reference link created using a macro does not need to be translated: in other locales it will automatically link to the correct version of the file.

The Glossary macro creates a link to a specified term’s entry in the MDN glossary. This macro accepts one required parameter and one optional parameter:

  1. The term’s name (such as “HTML”): \{{Glossary(“HTML”)}}  yields {{Glossary("HTML")}} 
  2. Optional: The text to display in the article instead of the term name: \{{Glossary(“CSS”, “Cascading Style Sheets”)}}  yields {{Glossary("CSS", "Cascading Style Sheets")}} 

Linking to pages in references

There are macros for locale-independent linking to pages in specific reference areas of MDN: JavaScript, CSS, HTML elements, SVG, etc.

The macros are easy to use. Minimally all you need to do is specify the name of the item to link to in the first argument. Most macros will also take a second argument allowing you to change the display text (documentation can be found at the links in the left-most column below).

Macro Links to page under Example
CSSxRef CSS Reference (/Web/CSS/Reference) \`{{CSSxRef("cursor")}}`  results in `{{CSSxRef("cursor")}}` .
DOMxRef DOM Reference (/Web/API) \`{{DOMxRef("Document")}}`  or \`{{DOMxRef("document")}}`  results in `{{DOMxRef("Document")}}` ,
\`{{DOMxRef("document.getElementsByName()")}}`  result in `{{DOMxRef("document.getElementsByName()")}}` 
\`{{DOMxRef("Node")}}`  result in `{{DOMxRef("Node")}}` .
You can change the display text using a second parameter: \`{{DOMxRef("document.getElementsByName()","getElementsByName()")}}`  results in `{{DOMxRef("document.getElementsByName()","getElementsByName()")}}` .
HTMLElement HTML Elements reference (/Web/HTML/Element) \`{{HTMLElement("select")}}`  results in `{{HTMLElement("select")}}` 
JSxRef JavaScript reference (/Web/JavaScript/Reference). \`{{JSxRef("Promise")}}`  results in `{{JSxRef("Promise")}}` 
SVGAttr SVG attribute reference (/Web/SVG/Attribute). \`{{SVGAttr("d")}}`  results in `{{SVGAttr("d")}}` 
SVGElement SVG Element reference (/Web/SVG/Element). \`{{SVGElement("view")}}`  results in `{{SVGElement("view")}}` 
HTTPHeader HTTP headers (/Web/HTTP/Headers). \`{{HTTPHeader("ACCEPT")}}`  results in `{{HTTPHeader("ACCEPT")}}` 
HTTPMethod HTTP request methods (/Web/HTTP/Methods). \`{{HTTPMethod("HEAD")}}`  results in `{{HTTPMethod("HEAD")}}` 
HTTPStatus HTTP response status codes (/Web/HTTP/Status) \`{{HTTPStatus("404")}}`  results in `{{HTTPStatus("404")}}` 

Previous, Next, and PreviousNext provide navigation controls for articles which are part of sequences. For the single-way templates, the only parameter needed is the wiki location of the previous or next article in the sequence. For PreviousNext, the two parameters needed are the wiki locations of the appropriate articles. The first parameter is for the previous article, and the second is for the next article.

Code samples

Live samples

General-purpose formatting

Inline indicators for API documentation

Optional_Inline and ReadOnlyInline are used in API documentation, usually when describing the list of properties of an object or parameters of a function.

Usage: \{{Optional_Inline}}  or \{{ReadOnlyInline}} . Example:

Status and compatibility indicators

Inline indicators with no additional parameters


Non-standard_Inline inserts an in-line mark indicating the API has not been standardized and is not on a standards track.





Experimental_Inline inserts an in-line mark indicating the API is not widely implemented and may change in the future. For more information on the definition experimental, see the Experimental, deprecated, and obsolete documentation.




Inline indicators that support specifying the technology


Deprecated_Inline inserts an in-line deprecated mark ({{Deprecated_Inline}} ) to discourage the use of an API that is officially deprecated (or has been removed). For more information on the definition deprecated, see the Experimental, deprecated, and obsolete documentation.




Page or section header indicators

These templates have the same semantics as their inline counterparts described above. The templates should be placed directly underneath the main page title (or breadcrumb navigation if available) in the reference page. They can also be used to mark up a section on a page.

Indicating that a feature is available in web workers

The AvailableInWorkers macro inserts a localized note box indicating that a feature is available in a worker context. You can also pass some arguments to indicate that a feature works in specified worker context.


{{AvailableInWorkers}}  {{AvailableInWorkers("window_and_worker_except_service")}} 

Browser compatibility and specification macros

The following macros are included on all reference pages, but are also supported by all page types:

See also

In this article

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