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A Port object represents one end of a connection between two specific contexts, which can be used to exchange messages.

One side initiates the connection, using a connect() API. This returns a Port object. The other side listens for connection attempts using an onConnect listener. This is passed a corresponding Port object.

Once both sides have Port objects, they can exchange messages using Port.postMessage() and Port.onMessage. When they are finished, either end can disconnect using Port.disconnect(), which will generate a Port.onDisconnect event at the other end, enabling the other end to do any cleanup required.

A Port can also become disconnected in response to various events. See Lifecycle.

You can use this pattern to communicate between:

You need to use different connection APIs for different sorts of connections, as detailed in the table below.

Connection type Initiate connection attempt Handle connection attempt
Background script to content script `{{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.connect()")}}`  `{{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.onConnect")}}` 
Content script to background script `{{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.connect()")}}`  `{{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.onConnect")}}` 
Extension to native application `{{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.connectNative()")}}`  Not applicable (see Native messaging).
Extension to Extension `{{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.connect()")}}`  `{{WebExtAPIRef("runtime.onConnectExternal")}}` 


Values of this type are objects. They contain the following properties:


The lifecycle of a Port is described in the Chrome docs.

There is, however, one important difference between Firefox and Chrome, stemming from the fact that the runtime.connect and tabs.connect APIs are broadcast channels. This means that there may be potentially more than one recipient, and this results in ambiguity when one of the contexts with a runtime.onConnect call is closed. In Chrome, a port stays active as long as there is any other recipient. In Firefox, the port closes when any of the contexts unloads. In other words, the disconnection condition,

which holds in Chrome, is replaced by

in Firefox (see bug 1465514).

Browser compatibility



Connecting from content scripts

This content script:

// content-script.js

let myPort = browser.runtime.connect({ name: "port-from-cs" });
myPort.postMessage({ greeting: "hello from content script" });

myPort.onMessage.addListener((m) => {
  console.log("In content script, received message from background script: ");

document.body.addEventListener("click", () => {
  myPort.postMessage({ greeting: "they clicked the page!" });

The corresponding background script:

// background-script.js

let portFromCS;

function connected(p) {
  portFromCS = p;
  portFromCS.postMessage({ greeting: "hi there content script!" });
  portFromCS.onMessage.addListener((m) => {
    console.log("In background script, received message from content script");


browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(() => {
  portFromCS.postMessage({ greeting: "they clicked the button!" });

Multiple content scripts

If you have multiple content scripts communicating at the same time, you might want to store each connection in an array.

// background-script.js

let ports = [];

function connected(p) {
  ports[] = p;
  // …


browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(() => {
  ports.forEach((p) => {
    p.postMessage({ greeting: "they clicked the button!" });

Connecting to native applications

This example connects to the native application “ping_pong” and starts listening for messages from it. It also sends the native application a message when the user clicks a browser action icon:

On startup, connect to the "ping_pong" app.
let port = browser.runtime.connectNative("ping_pong");

Listen for messages from the app.
port.onMessage.addListener((response) => {
  console.log(`Received: ${response}`);

On a click on the browser action, send the app a message.
browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(() => {
  console.log("Sending:  ping");


[!NOTE] This API is based on Chromium’s chrome.runtime API. This documentation is derived from runtime.json in the Chromium code.

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