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Gets all tabs that have the specified properties, or all tabs if no properties are specified.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.


let querying = browser.tabs.query(queryInfo)


Return value

A Promise that will be fulfilled with an array of ``{{WebExtAPIRef(‘tabs.Tab’)}}  objects, containing information about each matching tab.

If any error occurs, the promise will be rejected with an error message.


Get all tabs:

function logTabs(tabs) {
  for (const tab of tabs) {
    // tab.url requires the `tabs` permission or a matching host permission.

function onError(error) {
  console.error(`Error: ${error}`);

browser.tabs.query({}).then(logTabs, onError);

Get all tabs in the current window:

function logTabs(tabs) {
  for (const tab of tabs) {
    // tab.url requires the `tabs` permission or a matching host permission.

function onError(error) {
  console.error(`Error: ${error}`);

browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true }).then(logTabs, onError);

Get the active tab in the current window:

function logTabs(tabs) {
  // tabs[0].url requires the `tabs` permission or a matching host permission.

function onError(error) {
  console.error(`Error: ${error}`);

  .query({ currentWindow: true, active: true })
  .then(logTabs, onError);

Get tabs for all HTTP and HTTPS URLs under "" or any of its subdomains:

function logTabs(tabs) {
  for (const tab of tabs) {
    // tab.url requires the `tabs` permission or a matching host permission.

function onError(error) {
  console.error(`Error: ${error}`);

browser.tabs.query({ url: "*://**" }).then(logTabs, onError);


Browser compatibility


[!NOTE] This API is based on Chromium’s chrome.tabs API. This documentation is derived from tabs.json in the Chromium code.

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