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Removes from a page CSS which was previously injected by a call to {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.insertCSS()")}} .

[!NOTE] When using Manifest V3 or higher, use {{WebExtAPIRef("scripting.insertCSS()")}}  and {{WebExtAPIRef("scripting.removeCSS()")}}  to insert and remove CSS.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.


let removing = browser.tabs.removeCSS(
  tabId,           // optional integer
  details          // object


Return value

A Promise that will be fulfilled with no arguments when all the CSS has been removed. If any error occurs, the promise will be rejected with an error message.


This example adds some CSS using {{WebExtAPIRef("tabs.insertCSS")}} , then removes it again when the user clicks a browser action:

let css = "body { border: 20px dotted pink; }";

function onError(error) {
  console.log(`Error: ${error}`);

let insertingCSS = browser.tabs.insertCSS(2, { code: css });
insertingCSS.then(null, onError);

browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(() => {
  let removing = browser.tabs.removeCSS(2, { code: css });
  removing.then(null, onError);


Browser compatibility


[!NOTE] This API is based on Chromium’s chrome.tabs API. This documentation is derived from tabs.json in the Chromium code.

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