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{{APIRef("Web Audio API")}} 

The AudioScheduledSourceNode interface—part of the Web Audio API—is a parent interface for several types of audio source node interfaces which share the ability to be started and stopped, optionally at specified times. Specifically, this interface defines the {{domxref("AudioScheduledSourceNode.start", "start()")}}  and {{domxref("AudioScheduledSourceNode.stop", "stop()")}}  methods, as well as the {{domxref("AudioScheduledSourceNode.ended_event", "ended")}}  event.

[!NOTE] You can’t create an AudioScheduledSourceNode object directly. Instead, use an interface which extends it, such as {{domxref("AudioBufferSourceNode")}} , {{domxref("OscillatorNode")}}  or {{domxref("ConstantSourceNode")}} .

Unless stated otherwise, nodes based upon AudioScheduledSourceNode output silence when not playing (that is, before start() is called and after stop() is called). Silence is represented, as always, by a stream of samples with the value zero (0).


Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent interface, {{domxref("AudioNode")}} .

Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent interface, {{domxref("AudioNode")}} , and adds the following methods:


Listen to these events using addEventListener() or by assigning an event listener to the oneventname property of this interface:



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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