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CSS: supports() static method


The CSS.supports() static method returns a boolean value indicating if the browser supports a given CSS feature, or not.


CSS.supports(propertyName, value)


There are two distinct sets of parameters. The first one allows to test the support of a pair property-value:

The second syntax takes one parameter matching the condition of {{cssxref("@supports")}} :

Return value

true if the browser supports the rule, otherwise false.


In the following examples, result is a boolean value indicating if the browser supports the given CSS feature.

result = CSS.supports("text-decoration-style", "blink");
result = CSS.supports("display: flex");
result = CSS.supports("(--foo: red)");
result = CSS.supports("selector(:has(a))");
result = CSS.supports(
  "(transform-style: preserve) or (-moz-transform-style: preserve) or (-webkit-transform-style: preserve)",

For more examples and syntax features, see the {{cssxref("@supports")}}  at-rule.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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