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CSSStyleValue: parse() static method

{{APIRef("CSS Typed Object Model API")}} 

The parse() static method of the {{domxref("CSSStyleValue")}}  interface sets a specific CSS property to the specified values and returns the first value as a {{domxref('CSSStyleValue')}}  object.


CSSStyleValue.parse(property, cssText)


Return value

A CSSStyleValue object containing the first supplied value.


The code below parses a set of declarations for the transform property. The second code block shows the structure of the returned object as it would be rendered in a developer tools console.

const css = CSSStyleValue.parse(
  "translate3d(10px,10px,0) scale(0.5)",
CSSTransformValue {0: CSSTranslate, 1: CSSScale, length: 2, is2D: false}



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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