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Credential Management API

{{DefaultAPISidebar("Credential Management API")}} {{securecontext_header}} 

The Credential Management API enables a website to create, store, and retrieve {{glossary("credential", "credentials")}} . A credential is an item which enables a system to make an {{glossary("authentication")}}  decision: for example, to decide whether to sign a user into an account. We can think of it as a piece of evidence that a user presents to a website to demonstrate that they really are the person they are claiming to be.

Concepts and usage

The central interface is the {{domxref("CredentialsContainer")}} , which is accessed through the {{domxref("navigator.credentials")}}  property and provides three main functions:

The API supports four different types of credential, which are all represented as subclasses of {{domxref("Credential")}} :

Type Interface
Password {{domxref("PasswordCredential")}} 
Federated identity {{domxref("IdentityCredential")}} , {{domxref("FederatedCredential")}}  (deprecated)
One-time password (OTP) {{domxref("OTPCredential")}} 
Web Authentication {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential")}} 

The guide page Credential types gives an overview of the different credential types and how they are used.


Extensions to other interfaces



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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