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{{APIRef("Screen Capture API")}} {{SeeCompatTable}} 

The CropTarget interface of the {{domxref("Screen Capture API", "Screen Capture API", "", "nocode")}}  provides a static method, {{domxref("CropTarget.fromElement_static", "fromElement()")}} , which returns a CropTarget instance that can be used to crop a captured video track to the area in which a specified element is rendered.


Static methods


// Options for getDisplayMedia()
const displayMediaOptions = {
  preferCurrentTab: true,

// Create crop target from DOM element
const demoElem = document.querySelector("#demo");
const cropTarget = await CropTarget.fromElement(demoElem);

// Capture video stream from user's webcam and isolate video track
const stream =
  await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(displayMediaOptions);
const [track] = stream.getVideoTracks();

// Crop video track
await track.cropTo(cropTarget);

// Broadcast cropped stream in <video> element
videoElem.srcObject = stream;

See Using the Element Capture and Region Capture APIs for in-context example code.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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