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{{APIRef("DOM")}} {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The DOMException interface represents an abnormal event (called an exception) that occurs as a result of calling a method or accessing a property of a web API. This is how error conditions are described in web APIs.

Each exception has a name, which is a short “PascalCase”-style string identifying the error or abnormal condition.

DOMException is a {{Glossary("Serializable object")}} , so it can be cloned with {{DOMxRef("Window.structuredClone", "structuredClone()")}}  or copied between Workers using {{domxref("Worker.postMessage()", "postMessage()")}} .


Instance properties

Error names

Common error names are listed here. Some APIs define their own sets of names, so this is not necessarily a complete list.

Note that the following deprecated historical errors don’t have an error name but instead have only a legacy constant code value and a legacy constant name:

[!NOTE] Because historically the errors were identified by a numeric value that corresponded with a named variable defined to have that value, some of the entries below indicate the legacy code value and constant name that were used in the past.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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