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Element: getAttributeNode() method

{{ APIRef("DOM") }} 

Returns the specified attribute of the specified element, as an {{domxref("Attr")}}  node.

This method is useful if you need the attribute’s instance properties. If you only need the attribute’s value, you can use the {{domxref("Element.getAttribute()", "getAttribute()")}}  method instead.




Return value

An Attr node for the attribute.


// html: <div id="top" />
let t = document.getElementById("top");
let idAttr = t.getAttributeNode("id");
alert(idAttr.value === "top");


When called on an HTML element in a DOM flagged as an HTML document, getAttributeNode lower-cases its argument before proceeding.

The Attr node inherits from Node, but is not considered a part of the document tree. Common Node attributes like parentNode, previousSibling, and nextSibling are null for an Attr node. You can, however, get the element to which the attribute belongs with the ownerElement property.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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