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Element: previousElementSibling property


The Element.previousElementSibling read-only property returns the {{domxref("Element")}}  immediately prior to the specified one in its parent’s {{domxref("Element.children", "children")}}  list, or null if the specified element is the first one in the list.


An {{domxref("Element")}}  object, or null.


<div id="div-01">Here is div-01</div>
<div id="div-02">Here is div-02</div>
<li>This is a list item</li>
<li>This is another list item</li>
<div id="div-03">Here is div-03</div>

  let el = document.getElementById("div-03").previousElementSibling;
  document.write("<p>Siblings of div-03</p><ol>");
  while (el) {
    document.write("<li>" + el.nodeName + "</li>");
    el = el.previousElementSibling;

This example outputs the following into the page when it loads:

Siblings of div-03

   1. LI
   2. LI
   3. DIV
   4. DIV



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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