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ElementInternals: ariaLive property

{{APIRef("Web Components")}} 

The ariaLive property of the {{domxref("ElementInternals")}}  interface reflects the value of the aria-live attribute, which indicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region.

[!NOTE] Setting aria attributes on ElementInternals allows default semantics to be defined on a custom element. These may be overwritten by author-defined attributes, but ensure that default semantics are retained should the author delete those attributes, or fail to add them at all. For more information see the Accessibility Object Model explainer.


A string with one of the following values:


In this example the value of ariaLive is set to “assertive”.

this.internals_.ariaLive = "assertive";



Browser compatibility


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