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Fenced Frame API

{{SeeCompatTable}} {{DefaultAPISidebar("Fenced Frame API")}} 

The Fenced Frame API provides functionality for controlling content embedded in {{htmlelement("fencedframe")}}  elements.

Concepts and usage

One major source of privacy and security problems on the web is content embedded in {{htmlelement("iframe")}}  elements. Historically <iframe>s have been used to set third-party cookies, which can be used to share information and track users across sites. In addition, content embedded in an <iframe> can communicate with its embedding document (for example, using {{domxref("Window.postMessage()")}} ).

The embedding document can also use scripting to read various forms of information from the <iframe> — for example you can potentially get significant tracking/fingerprinting data from reading the embedded URL from the src property, especially if it contains URL parameters. The <iframe> can also access the embedding context’s DOM, and vice versa.

Most modern browsers are working on mechanisms to partition storage so that cookie data can no longer be used for tracking (for example see Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) or Firefox State Partitioning).

<fencedframe> elements aim to solve another piece of this puzzle — they are very similar to <iframe>s in form and function, except that:

For more information about the communication model of fenced frames, read the communication with embedded frames guide.

Use cases

<fencedframe>s are used by other APIs to embed different types of cross-site content or collect data, fulfilling different use cases in a privacy-preserving manner. Most of these previously relied on third-party cookies or other mechanisms that were bad for privacy.

How do <fencedframe>s work?

As mentioned above, you don’t control the content embedded in a {{htmlelement("fencedframe")}}  directly via regular script.

To set what content will be shown in a <fencedframe>, a utilizing API (such as Protected Audience or Shared Storage) generates a {{domxref("FencedFrameConfig")}}  object, which is then set via JavaScript as the value of the <fencedframe>'s {{domxref("HTMLFencedFrameElement.config")}}  property.

The following example gets a FencedFrameConfig from a Protected Audience API’s ad auction, which is then used to display the winning ad in a <fencedframe>:

const frameConfig = await navigator.runAdAuction({
  // configuration
  resolveToConfig: true,

const frame = document.createElement("fencedframe");
frame.config = frameConfig;

resolveToConfig: true must be passed in to the runAdAuction() call to obtain a FencedFrameConfig object. If resolveToConfig is set to false, the resulting {{jsxref("Promise")}}  will resolve to an opaque URN (for example urn:uuid:c36973b5-e5d9-de59-e4c4-364f137b3c7a) that can only be used in an <iframe>.

Either way, the browser stores a URL containing the target location of the content to embed — mapped to the opaque URN, or the FencedFrameConfig’s internal url property. The URL value cannot be read by JavaScript running in the embedding context.

[!NOTE] Support is provided for opaque URNs in <iframe>s to ease migration of existing implementations over to privacy sandbox APIs. This support is intended to be temporary and will be removed in the future as adoption grows.

Note: FencedFrameConfig has a {{domxref("FencedFrameConfig.setSharedStorageContext", "setSharedStorageContext()")}}  method that is used to pass in data from the embedding document to the <fencedframe>'s shared storage. It could for example be accessed in a {{domxref("Worklet")}}  via the <fencedframe> and used to generate a report. See the Shared Storage API for more details.

Accessing fenced frame functionality on the Fence object

Inside documents embedded in <fencedframe>s, JavaScript has access to a {{domxref("Window.fence")}}  property that returns a {{domxref("Fence")}}  instance for that document. This object contains several functions specifically relevant to fenced frame API functionality. For example, {{domxref("Fence.reportEvent()")}}  provides a way to trigger the submission of report data via a beacon to one or more specified URLs, in order to report ad views and clicks.

Permissions policy

Only specific features designed to be used in <fencedframe>s can be enabled via permissions policies set on them; other policy-controlled features are not available in this context. See Permissions policies available to fenced frames for more details.

HTTP headers

A {{httpheader("Sec-Fetch-Dest")}}  header with a value of fencedframe will be set for any requests made from inside a <fencedframe>, including child <iframe>s embedded within a <fencedframe>.

Sec-Fetch-Dest: fencedframe

The server must set a {{httpheader("Supports-Loading-Mode")}}  response header with a value of fenced-frame for any document intended to be loaded into a <fencedframe>, or <iframe> embedded within a <fencedframe>.

Supports-Loading-Mode: fenced-frame

Other effects of fenced frames on HTTP headers are as follows:

beforeunload and unload events

beforeunload and unload events do not fire on fenced frames, because they can leak information in the form of a page deletion timestamp. Implementations aim to eliminate as many potential leakages as possible.


Extensions to other interfaces

Enrollment and local testing

Certain API features that create {{domxref("FencedFrameConfig")}} s such as {{domxref("Navigator.runAdAuction()")}}  (Protected Audience API) and {{domxref("WindowSharedStorage.selectURL()")}}  (Shared Storage API), as well as other features such as {{domxref("Fence.reportEvent()")}} , require you to enroll your site in a privacy sandbox enrollment process. If you don’t do this, the API calls will fail with a console warning.

[!NOTE] In Chrome, you can still test your fenced frame code locally without enrollment. To allow local testing, enable the following Chrome developer flag:



The following demos all make use of <fencedframe>s:



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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