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HTMLAnchorElement: username property

{{ApiRef("HTML DOM")}} 

The username property of the {{domxref("HTMLAnchorElement")}}  interface is a string containing the username component of the <a> element’s href. If the URL does not have a username, this property contains an empty string, "".

This property can be set to change the username of the URL. If the URL has no {{domxref("", "host")}}  or its scheme is file:, then setting this property has no effect.

The username is {{Glossary("Percent-encoding", "percent-encoded")}}  when setting but not percent-decoded when reading.

See {{domxref("URL.username")}}  for more information.


A string.


// An <a id="myAnchor" href=""> element is in the document
const anchor = document.getElementByID("myAnchor");
anchor.username; // returns 'anonymous'



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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