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HTMLElement: beforetoggle event

{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}} 

The beforetoggle event of the {{domxref("HTMLElement")}}  interface fires on a {{domxref("Popover_API", "popover", "", "nocode")}}  or {{htmlelement("dialog")}}  element just before it is shown or hidden.

This event is cancelable when an element is toggled to open (“show”) but not when the element is closing.

Among other things, this event can be used to:


Use the event name in methods like {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener", "addEventListener()")}} , or set an event handler property.

addEventListener("beforetoggle", (event) => {});

onbeforetoggle = (event) => {};

Event type

A {{domxref("ToggleEvent")}} . Inherits from {{domxref("Event")}} .



The examples below demonstrates how the beforetoggle event might be used for a {{domxref("Popover_API", "popover", "", "nocode")}}  or {{htmlelement("dialog")}}  element. The same examples would work similarly on the other element types.

Basic example

This example shows how to listen for the beforetoggle event and log the result.


The HTML consists of a popover and a button for toggling it open and closed.

<button popovertarget="mypopover">Toggle the popover</button>
<div id="mypopover" popover>Popover content</div>
<pre id="log"></pre>
#log {
  height: 150px;
  overflow: scroll;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  border: 1px solid black;
const logElement = document.querySelector("#log");
function log(text) {
  logElement.innerText = `${logElement.innerText}${text}\n`;
  logElement.scrollTop = logElement.scrollHeight;


The code gets adds an event listener for the beforetoggle event and logs the state.

const popover = document.getElementById("mypopover");

popover.addEventListener("beforetoggle", (event) => {
  if (event.newState === "open") {
    log("Popover is about to be shown");
  } else {
    log("Popover is about to be hidden");


{{EmbedLiveSample("Basic example", '100%', "250px")}} 

Prevent a popover opening

The beforetoggle event is cancelable if fired when opening an element.

Below we show how a popover that might first check if it is allowed to open, and if not, call {{domxref("Event.preventDefault()")}}  to cancel the event. In this example we use a button to set whether the popover can open or not: in a more “full featured” example this might depend on the application state, or the data in the popover being ready to display.


The HTML consists of a popover, a button for toggling it open and closed, and a button for setting whether the button can be opened.

<button popovertarget="mypopover">Toggle the popover</button>
<button id="allow_button"></button>
<div id="mypopover" popover>Popover content</div>
<pre id="log"></pre>
#log {
  height: 150px;
  overflow: scroll;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  border: 1px solid black;
const logElement = document.querySelector("#log");
function log(text) {
  logElement.innerText = `${logElement.innerText}${text}\n`;
  logElement.scrollTop = logElement.scrollHeight;


First we set up the code to simulate a state where we don’t want to allow the popover to open. This is represented by the variable allowOpen, which is toggled when the associated button is clicked.

const allowButton = document.getElementById("allow_button");

let allowOpen = true;

function toggleState() {
  allowOpen = !allowOpen;
  allowButton.innerText = allowOpen ? "Open Allowed" : "Open Prevented";


allowButton.addEventListener("click", (event) => {

The code gets adds an event listener for the beforetoggle event. If allowOpen is false then preventDefault() is called, which stops the popup from opening.

const popover = document.getElementById("mypopover");

popover.addEventListener("beforetoggle", (event) => {
  if (event.newState === "open") {
    if (allowOpen) {
      log("Popover is about to be shown");
    } else {
      log("Popover opening prevented");
  } else {
    log("Popover is about to be hidden");


{{EmbedLiveSample("Prevent a popover opening", '100%', "250px")}} 

A note on beforetoggle event coalescing

If multiple beforetoggle events are fired before the event loop has a chance to cycle, only a single event will be fired. This is referred to as “event coalescing”.

For example:

popover.addEventListener("beforetoggle", () => {

// `beforetoggle` only fires once

Other examples



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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