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HTMLInputElement: checked property

{{ APIRef("HTML DOM") }} 

The checked property of the {{DOMxRef("HTMLInputElement")}}  interface specifies the current checkedness of the element; that is, whether the form control is checked or not.

The boolean checked property is relevant to the radio (<input type="radio">) and checkbox (<input type="checkbox">) input types.

The presence of the HTML checked attribute indicates the checkbox is checked by default. It does not indicate whether this checkbox is currently checked: if the checkbox’s state is changed, this content attribute does not reflect the change; only the HTMLInputElement’s checked IDL property is updated. The checked attribute is reflected by the {{domxref("HTMLInputElement.defaultChecked", "defaultChecked")}}  property.

When a radio input checked property is true, all other radio inputs with the same {{DOMxRef("", "name")}}  are false. If any radio button in a same-named group of radio buttons is {{DOMxRef("HTMLInputElement.required", "required")}} , as long as one button in the group is checked, the {{domxref('ValidityState')}}  object’s read-only {{domxref('ValidityState.valueMissing','valueMissing')}}  property for each radio button in the group will be false.

A checkbox’s value is only included in the submitted data upon form submission if checked is true. The value of the {{DOMxRef("HTMLInputElement.indeterminate")}}  property has no effect on a checkbox’s checked value.


A boolean.


const inputElement = document.getElementById("contactMail");
inputElement.checked = true;



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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