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HTMLMediaElement: src property

{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}} 

The HTMLMediaElement.src property reflects the value of the HTML media element’s src attribute, which indicates the URL of a media resource to use in the element.

[!NOTE] The best way to know the URL of the media resource currently in active use in this element is to look at the value of the {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.currentSrc", "currentSrc")}}  attribute, which also takes into account selection of a best or preferred media resource from a list provided in an {{domxref("HTMLSourceElement")}}  (which represents a {{HTMLElement("source")}}  element).


A string containing the URL of a media resource to use in the element; this property reflects the value of the HTML element’s src attribute.


const obj = document.createElement("video");
console.log(obj.src); // ""



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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