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IDBFactory: deleteDatabase() method

{{APIRef("IndexedDB")}}  {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The deleteDatabase() method of the {{DOMxRef("IDBFactory")}}  interface requests the deletion of a database. The method returns an {{DOMxRef("IDBOpenDBRequest")}}  object immediately, and performs the deletion operation asynchronously.

If the database is successfully deleted, then a success event is fired on the request object returned from this method, with its result set to undefined. If an error occurs while the database is being deleted, then an error event is fired on the request object that is returned from this method.

When deleteDatabase() is called, any other open connections to this particular database will get a versionchange event.


// For the current standard:

// For the experimental version with `options` (see below):
deleteDatabase(name, options)


Return value

A {{DOMxRef("IDBOpenDBRequest")}}  on which subsequent events related to this request are fired.

If the operation is successful, the value of the request’s {{domxref("IDBRequest.result", "result")}}  property is null.


const DBDeleteRequest = window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase("toDoList");

DBDeleteRequest.onerror = (event) => {
  console.error("Error deleting database.");

DBDeleteRequest.onsuccess = (event) => {
  console.log("Database deleted successfully");

  console.log(event.result); // should be undefined



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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