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IDBOpenDBRequest: upgradeneeded event


The upgradeneeded event is fired when an attempt was made to open a database with a version number higher than its current version.

This event is not cancelable and does not bubble.


Use the event name in methods like {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener", "addEventListener()")}} , or set an event handler property.

addEventListener("upgradeneeded", (event) => {});

onupgradeneeded = (event) => {};

Event type

An {{domxref("IDBVersionChangeEvent")}} . Inherits from {{domxref("Event")}} .


Event properties

Also inherits properties from its parent, {{domxref("Event")}}  interface.


This example opens a database and handles the upgradeneeded event by making any necessary updates to the object store.

// Open the database
const dBOpenRequest ="toDoList", 4);

dBOpenRequest.addEventListener("upgradeneeded", (event) => {
  const db =;
  console.log(`Upgrading to version ${db.version}`);

  // Create an objectStore for this database
  const objectStore = db.createObjectStore("toDoList", {
    keyPath: "taskTitle",

  // define what data items the objectStore will contain
  objectStore.createIndex("hours", "hours", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("day", "day", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("month", "month", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("year", "year", { unique: false });

This is the same example, but uses the onupgradeneeded event handler property.

// Open the database
const dBOpenRequest ="toDoList", 4);

dBOpenRequest.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
  const db =;
  console.log(`Upgrading to version ${db.version}`);

  // Create an objectStore for this database
  const objectStore = db.createObjectStore("toDoList", {
    keyPath: "taskTitle",

  // define what data items the objectStore will contain
  objectStore.createIndex("hours", "hours", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("day", "day", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("month", "month", { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex("year", "year", { unique: false });



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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