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{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}} {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The MessageEvent interface represents a message received by a target object.

This is used to represent messages in:

The action triggered by this event is defined in a function set as the event handler for the relevant message event.



Instance properties

This interface also inherits properties from its parent, {{domxref("Event")}} .

Instance methods

This interface also inherits methods from its parent, {{domxref("Event")}} .


In our Basic shared worker example (run shared worker), we have two HTML pages, each of which uses some JavaScript to perform a calculation. The different scripts are using the same worker file to perform the calculation — they can both access it, even if their pages are running inside different windows.

The following code snippet shows creation of a {{domxref("SharedWorker")}}  object using the {{domxref("SharedWorker.SharedWorker", "SharedWorker()")}}  constructor. Both scripts contain this:

const myWorker = new SharedWorker("worker.js");

Both scripts then access the worker through a {{domxref("MessagePort")}}  object created using the {{domxref("SharedWorker.port")}}  property. If the onmessage event is attached using addEventListener, the port is manually started using its start() method:


When the port is started, both scripts post messages to the worker and handle messages sent from it using port.postMessage() and port.onmessage, respectively:

[first, second].forEach((input) => {
  input.onchange = () => {
    myWorker.port.postMessage([first.value, second.value]);
    console.log("Message posted to worker");

myWorker.port.onmessage = (e) => {
  result1.textContent =;
  console.log("Message received from worker");

Inside the worker we use the {{domxref("SharedWorkerGlobalScope.connect_event", "onconnect")}}  handler to connect to the same port discussed above. The ports associated with that worker are accessible in the {{domxref("SharedWorkerGlobalScope/connect_event", "connect")}}  event’s ports property — we then use {{domxref("MessagePort")}}  start() method to start the port, and the onmessage handler to deal with messages sent from the main threads.

onconnect = (e) => {
  const port = e.ports[0];

  port.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
    const workerResult = `Result: ${[0] *[1]}`;

  port.start(); // Required when using addEventListener. Otherwise called implicitly by onmessage setter.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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