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{{APIRef("Channel Messaging API")}}  {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The MessagePort interface of the Channel Messaging API represents one of the two ports of a {{domxref("MessageChannel")}} , allowing messages to be sent from one port and listening out for them arriving at the other.

MessagePort is a transferable object.


Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent, {{domxref("EventTarget")}} .


Inherits events from its parent, {{domxref("EventTarget")}} .


In the following example, you can see a new channel being created using the {{domxref("MessageChannel.MessageChannel","MessageChannel()")}}  constructor.

When the IFrame has loaded, we register an {{domxref("MessagePort/message_event","onmessage")}}  handler for {{domxref("MessageChannel.port1")}}  and transfer {{domxref("MessageChannel.port2")}}  to the IFrame using the {{domxref("window.postMessage")}}  method along with a message.

When a message is received back from the IFrame, the onMessage function outputs the message to a paragraph.

const channel = new MessageChannel();
const output = document.querySelector(".output");
const iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");

// Wait for the iframe to load
iframe.addEventListener("load", onLoad);

function onLoad() {
  // Listen for messages on port1
  channel.port1.onmessage = onMessage;

  // Transfer port2 to the iframe
  iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("Hello from the main page!", "*", [

// Handle messages received on port1
function onMessage(e) {
  output.innerHTML =;

For a full working example, see our channel messaging basic demo on GitHub (run it live too).



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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