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Node: firstChild property


The read-only firstChild property of the {{domxref("Node")}}  interface returns the node’s first child in the tree, or null if the node has no children.

If the node is a {{domxref("Document")}} , this property returns the first node in the list of its direct children.

[!NOTE] This property returns any type of node that is the first child of this one. It may be a {{domxref("Text")}}  or a {{domxref("Comment")}}  node. If you want to get the first {{domxref("Element")}}  that is a child of another element, consider using {{domxref("Element.firstElementChild")}} .


A {{domxref("Node")}} , or null if there are none.


This example demonstrates the use of firstChild and how whitespace nodes might interfere with using this property.

<p id="para-01">
  <span>First span</span>

  const p01 = document.getElementById("para-01");

In the above, the console will show ‘#text’ because a text node is inserted to maintain the whitespace between the end of the opening <p> and <span> tags. Any whitespace will create a #text node, from a single space to multiple spaces, returns, tabs, and so on.

Another #text node is inserted between the closing </span> and </p> tags.

If this whitespace is removed from the source, the #text nodes are not inserted and the span element becomes the paragraph’s first child.

<p id="para-01"><span>First span</span></p>

  const p01 = document.getElementById("para-01");

Now the console will show ‘SPAN’.

To avoid the issue with node.firstChild returning #text or #comment nodes, {{domxref("Element.firstElementChild")}}  can be used to return only the first element node.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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