OfflineAudioContext: startRendering() method
{{ APIRef("Web Audio API") }}
The startRendering()
method of the {{ domxref("OfflineAudioContext") }}
Interface starts rendering the audio graph, taking into account the current connections and the current scheduled changes.
The {{domxref("OfflineAudioContext/complete_event", "complete")}}
event (of type {{domxref("OfflineAudioCompletionEvent")}}
) is raised when the rendering is finished, containing the resulting {{domxref("AudioBuffer")}}
in its renderedBuffer
Browsers currently support two versions of the startRendering()
method — an older event-based version and a newer promise-based version.
The former will eventually be removed, but currently both mechanisms are provided for legacy reasons.
Return value
A {{jsxref("Promise")}}
that fulfills with an {{domxref("AudioBuffer")}}
Playing audio with an offline audio context
In this example, we declare both an {{domxref("AudioContext")}}
and an OfflineAudioContext
object. We use the AudioContext
to load an audio track {{domxref("Window/fetch", "fetch()")}}
, then the OfflineAudioContext
to render the audio into an {{domxref("AudioBufferSourceNode")}}
and play the track through. After the offline audio graph is set up, we render it to an {{domxref("AudioBuffer")}}
using OfflineAudioContext.startRendering()
When the startRendering()
promise resolves, rendering has completed and the output AudioBuffer
is returned out of the promise.
At this point we create another audio context, create an {{domxref("AudioBufferSourceNode")}}
inside it, and set its buffer to be equal to the promise AudioBuffer
. This is then played as part of a simple standard audio graph.
[!NOTE] You can run the full example live, or view the source.
// Define both online and offline audio contexts
let audioCtx; // Must be initialized after a user interaction
const offlineCtx = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 44100 * 40, 44100);
// Define constants for dom nodes
const play = document.querySelector("#play");
function getData() {
// Fetch an audio track, decode it and stick it in a buffer.
// Then we put the buffer into the source and can play it.
.then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
.then((downloadedBuffer) => audioCtx.decodeAudioData(downloadedBuffer))
.then((decodedBuffer) => {
console.log("File downloaded successfully.");
const source = new AudioBufferSourceNode(offlineCtx, {
buffer: decodedBuffer,
return source.start();
.then(() => offlineCtx.startRendering())
.then((renderedBuffer) => {
console.log("Rendering completed successfully.");
play.disabled = false;
const song = new AudioBufferSourceNode(audioCtx, {
buffer: renderedBuffer,
// Start the song
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`Error encountered: ${err}`);
// Activate the play button
play.onclick = () => {
play.disabled = true;
// We can initialize the context as the user clicked.
audioCtx = new AudioContext();
// Fetch the data and start the song
Browser compatibility