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{{APIRef("Performance API")}} 

The PerformanceNavigationTiming interface provides methods and properties to store and retrieve metrics regarding the browser’s document navigation events. For example, this interface can be used to determine how much time it takes to load or unload a document.

Only the current document is included in the performance timeline, so there is only one PerformanceNavigationTiming object in the performance timeline. It inherits all of the properties and methods of {{domxref("PerformanceResourceTiming")}}  and {{domxref("PerformanceEntry")}} .


The following diagram shows all of the timestamp properties defined in PerformanceNavigationTiming.

Timestamp diagram listing timestamps in the order in which they are recorded for the fetching of a document

Instance properties

This interface extends the following {{domxref('PerformanceEntry')}}  properties by qualifying and constraining them as follows:

This interface also extends the following {{domxref('PerformanceResourceTiming')}}  properties by qualifying and constraining them as follows:

The interface also supports the following properties:

Instance methods



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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