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PerformanceResourceTiming: domainLookupStart property

{{APIRef("Performance API")}} {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The domainLookupStart read-only property returns the {{domxref("DOMHighResTimeStamp","timestamp")}}  immediately before the browser starts the domain name lookup for the resource.


The domainLookupStart property can have the following values:


Measuring DNS lookup time

The domainLookupStart and {{domxref("PerformanceResourceTiming.domainLookupEnd", "domainLookupEnd")}}  properties can be used to measure how long it takes for the DNS lookup to happen.

const dns = entry.domainLookupEnd - entry.domainLookupStart;

Example using a {{domxref("PerformanceObserver")}} , which notifies of new resource performance entries as they are recorded in the browser’s performance timeline. Use the buffered option to access entries from before the observer creation.

const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
  list.getEntries().forEach((entry) => {
    const dns = entry.domainLookupEnd - entry.domainLookupStart;
    if (dns > 0) {
      console.log(`${}: DNS lookup duration: ${dns}ms`);

observer.observe({ type: "resource", buffered: true });

Example using {{domxref("Performance.getEntriesByType()")}} , which only shows resource performance entries present in the browser’s performance timeline at the time you call this method:

const resources = performance.getEntriesByType("resource");
resources.forEach((entry) => {
  const dns = entry.domainLookupEnd - entry.domainLookupStart;
  if (dns > 0) {
    console.log(`${}: DNS lookup duration: ${dns}ms`);

Cross-origin timing information

If the value of the domainLookupStart property is 0, the resource might be a cross-origin request. To allow seeing cross-origin timing information, the {{HTTPHeader("Timing-Allow-Origin")}}  HTTP response header needs to be set.

For example, to allow to see timing resources, the cross-origin resource should send:




Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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