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{{ APIRef("Pointer Events") }} 

The PointerEvent interface represents the state of a DOM event produced by a pointer such as the geometry of the contact point, the device type that generated the event, the amount of pressure that was applied on the contact surface, etc.

A pointer is a hardware agnostic representation of input devices (such as a mouse, pen or contact point on a touch-enable surface). The pointer can target a specific coordinate (or set of coordinates) on the contact surface such as a screen.

A pointer’s hit test is the process a browser uses to determine the target element for a pointer event. Typically, this is determined by considering the pointer’s location and also the visual layout of elements in a document on screen media.



Instance properties

This interface inherits properties from {{domxref("MouseEvent")}}  and {{domxref("Event")}} .

Instance methods

Pointer event types

The PointerEvent interface has several event types. To determine which event fired, look at the event’s {{domxref("Event.type", "type")}}  property.

[!NOTE] It’s important to note that in many cases, both pointer and mouse events get sent (in order to let non-pointer-specific code still interact with the user). If you use pointer events, you should call {{domxref("Event.preventDefault()", "preventDefault()")}}  to keep the mouse event from being sent as well.


Examples of each property, event type, and global event handler are included in their respective reference pages.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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