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ReadableStream: pipeThrough() method

{{APIRef("Streams")}} {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The pipeThrough() method of the {{domxref("ReadableStream")}}  interface provides a chainable way of piping the current stream through a transform stream or any other writable/readable pair.

Piping a stream will generally lock it for the duration of the pipe, preventing other readers from locking it.


pipeThrough(transformStream, options)


Return value

The readable side of the transformStream.



In the following example (see Unpack chunks of a PNG for the full code running live, and png-transform-stream for the source code), an image is fetched and its body retrieved as a {{domxref("ReadableStream")}} .

Next, we log the contents of the readable stream, use pipeThrough() to send it to a new function that creates a gray-scaled version of the stream, then log the new stream’s contents too.

// Fetch the original image
  // Retrieve its body as ReadableStream
  .then((response) => response.body)
  .then((rs) => logReadableStream("Fetch Response Stream", rs))
  // Create a gray-scaled PNG stream out of the original
  .then((body) => body.pipeThrough(new PNGTransformStream()))
  .then((rs) => logReadableStream("PNG Chunk Stream", rs));



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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