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Reporting API

{{SeeCompatTable}} {{DefaultAPISidebar("Reporting API")}} {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The Reporting API provides a generic reporting mechanism for web applications to use to make reports available based on various platform features (for example Content Security Policy, Permissions-Policy, or feature deprecation reports) in a consistent manner.

Concepts and usage

There are several different features and problems on the web platform that generate information useful to web developers when they are trying to fix bugs or improve their websites in other ways. Such information can include:

The purpose of the Reporting API is to provide a consistent reporting mechanism that can be used to make such information available to developers in the form of reports represented by JavaScript objects. There are a few ways to use it, which are detailed in the sections below.

Reporting server endpoints

Each unique origin you want to get reports for can be given a series of “endpoints”, which are named URLs (or groups of URLs) that can be sent reports from a user agent. A reporting server at these endpoints can collect the reports, and process and present them as needed by your application.

The {{httpheader("Reporting-Endpoints")}}  HTTP header is used to specify details about the different endpoints that a user-agent has available to it for delivering reports. The report-to directive can then be used on particular HTTP response headers to indicate the specific endpoint that will be used for the associated report. For example, the CSP {{CSP("report-to")}}  directive can be used on the {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}}  or {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only")}}  HTTP headers to specify the endpoint that CSP violation reports should be sent to.

[!NOTE] There is no absolute guarantee of report delivery — a report could still fail to be collected if a serious error occurs.

The reports themselves are sent to the target endpoint by the user agent in a POST operation with a {{HTTPHeader("Content-Type")}}  of application/reports+json. They are serializations of {{domxref("Report")}}  objects, where the type indicates the type of report, the url indicates the origin of the report, and the body contains a serialization of the API interface that corresponds to the report type. For example, CSP violation reports have a type of csp-violation and a body that is a serialization of a {{domxref("CSPViolationReportBody")}}  object.

Reports sent to endpoints can be retrieved independently of the running of the websites they relate to, which is useful — a crash for example could bring down a website and stop anything running, but a report could still be obtained to give the developer some clues as to why it happened.

Reporting observers

Reports can also be obtained via {{domxref("ReportingObserver")}}  objects created via JavaScript inside the website you are aiming to get reports on. This method is not as failsafe as sending reports to the server because any page crash could stop you retrieving the reports — but it is easier to set up, and more flexible.

A ReportingObserver object is created using the {{domxref("ReportingObserver.ReportingObserver", "ReportingObserver()")}}  constructor, which is passed two parameters:

Methods are then available on the observer to start collecting reports ({{domxref("ReportingObserver.observe()")}} ), retrieve the reports currently in the report queue ({{domxref("ReportingObserver.takeRecords()")}} ), and disconnect the observer so it can no longer collect records ({{domxref("ReportingObserver.disconnect()")}} ).

Report types

Reports sent to reporting endpoints and reporting observers are essentially the same: they have an origin url, a type, and a body that is an instance of the interface corresponding with that type. The only difference is that server reports are JSON serializations of the objects.

The mapping of report type to body is shown below.

type body Items reported
deprecation {{domxref("DeprecationReportBody")}}  Deprecated features used by the site.
intervention {{domxref("InterventionReportBody")}}  Features blocked by the user agent, for example, if permissions are not granted.
csp-violation {{domxref("CSPViolationReportBody")}}  Violations of the site’s CSP policy.

Generating reports via WebDriver

The Reporting API spec also defines a Generate Test Report WebDriver extension, which allows you to simulate report generation during automation. Reports generated via WebDriver are observed by any registered ReportObserver objects present in the loaded website. This is not yet documented.


These interfaces are defined as part of the HTTP Content Security Policy (CSP) specifications:

These HTTP response headers define the endpoints where reports are sent.

Report endpoints can be set for the following reports using the report-to directive on the corresponding headers:


Reporting deprecated features

In our deprecation_report.html example, we create a simple reporting observer to observe usage of deprecated features on our web page:

const options = {
  types: ["deprecation"],
  buffered: true,

const observer = new ReportingObserver((reports, observer) => {
  reportBtn.onclick = () => displayReports(reports);
}, options);

We then tell it to start observing reports using {{domxref("ReportingObserver.observe()")}} ; this tells the observer to start collecting reports in its report queue, and runs the callback function specified inside the constructor:


Later on in the example we deliberately use the deprecated version of {{domxref("MediaDevices.getUserMedia()")}} :

if (navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
  navigator.mozGetUserMedia(constraints, success, failure);
} else {
  navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, success, failure);

This causes a deprecation report to be generated; because of the event handler we set up inside the ReportingObserver() constructor, we can now click the button to display the report details.

image of a jolly bearded man with various stats displayed below it about a deprecated feature

[!NOTE] If you look at the complete source code, you’ll notice that we actually call the deprecated getUserMedia() method twice. After the first time we call {{domxref("ReportingObserver.takeRecords()")}} , which returns the first generated report and empties the queue. Because of this, when the button is pressed only the second report is listed.



Browser compatibility

The API is supported by Chromium browsers, and by Firefox behind a preference (dom.reporting.enabled).

See the specific interfaces for more detailed support information.

See also

In this article

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