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Request: cache property

{{APIRef("Fetch API")}} {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The cache read-only property of the {{domxref("Request")}}  interface contains the cache mode of the request. It controls how the request will interact with the browser’s HTTP cache.


A RequestCache value. The available values are:


// Download a resource with cache busting, to bypass the cache
// completely.
fetch("some.json", { cache: "no-store" }).then((response) => {
  /* consume the response */

// Download a resource with cache busting, but update the HTTP
// cache with the downloaded resource.
fetch("some.json", { cache: "reload" }).then((response) => {
  /* consume the response */

// Download a resource with cache busting when dealing with a
// properly configured server that will send the correct ETag
// and Date headers and properly handle If-Modified-Since and
// If-None-Match request headers, therefore we can rely on the
// validation to guarantee a fresh response.
fetch("some.json", { cache: "no-cache" }).then((response) => {
  /* consume the response */

// Download a resource with economics in mind! Prefer a cached
// albeit stale response to conserve as much bandwidth as possible.
fetch("some.json", { cache: "force-cache" }).then((response) => {
  /* consume the response */

// Naive stale-while-revalidate client-level implementation.
// Prefer a cached albeit stale response; but update if it's too old.
// AbortController and signal to allow better memory cleaning.
// In reality; this would be a function that takes a path and a
// reference to the controller since it would need to change the value
let controller = new AbortController();
fetch("some.json", {
  cache: "only-if-cached",
  mode: "same-origin",
  signal: controller.signal,
  .catch((e) =>
    e instanceof TypeError && e.message === "Failed to fetch"
      ? { status: 504 } // Workaround for chrome; which fails with a TypeError
      : Promise.reject(e),
  .then((res) => {
    if (res.status === 504) {
      controller = new AbortController();
      return fetch("some.json", {
        cache: "force-cache",
        mode: "same-origin",
        signal: controller.signal,
    const date = res.headers.get("date"),
      dt = date ? new Date(date).getTime() : 0;
    if (dt < - 86_400_000) {
      // if older than 24 hours
      controller = new AbortController();
      return fetch("some.json", {
        cache: "reload",
        mode: "same-origin",
        signal: controller.signal,

    // Other possible conditions
    if (dt < - 300_000)
      // If it's older than 5 minutes
      fetch("some.json", { cache: "no-cache", mode: "same-origin" }); // no cancellation or return value.
    return res;
  .then((response) => {
    /* consume the (possibly stale) response */
  .catch((error) => {
    /* Can be an AbortError/DOMException or a TypeError */



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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