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ShadowRoot: serializable property

{{APIRef("Shadow DOM")}} 

The serializable read-only property of the {{domxref("ShadowRoot")}}  interface returns true if the shadow root is serializable.

If set, the shadow root may be serialized by calling the {{DOMxRef('Element.getHTML()')}}  or {{DOMxRef('ShadowRoot.getHTML()')}}  methods with the options.serializableShadowRoots parameter set true.

The serializable property of a shadow root is specified when the shadow root is created, either declaratively by adding the shadowrootserializable attribute on a <template> element (along with an allowed shadowrootmode value), or by setting the options.serializable parameter to true when using Element.attachShadow().


true if the shadow root is serializable; false otherwise.


let customElem = document.querySelector("my-shadow-dom-element");
let shadow = customElem.shadowRoot;

// ...

// Is it serializable?
let hostElem = shadow.serializable;



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