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{{APIRef("WebVR API")}} {{Deprecated_Header}} {{Non-standard_Header}} 

The VRFrameData interface of the WebVR API represents all the information needed to render a single frame of a VR scene; constructed by {{domxref("VRDisplay.getFrameData()")}} .

[!NOTE] This interface was part of the old WebVR API. It has been superseded by the WebXR Device API.


Instance properties


See VRDisplay.getFrameData() for example code.


This interface was part of the old WebVR API that has been superseded by the WebXR Device API. It is no longer on track to becoming a standard.

Until all browsers have implemented the new WebXR APIs, it is recommended to rely on frameworks, like A-Frame, Babylon.js, or Three.js, or a polyfill, to develop WebXR applications that will work across all browsers. Read Meta’s Porting from WebVR to WebXR guide for more information.

Browser compatibility


See also

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