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{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}} 

The VideoTrackList interface is used to represent a list of the video tracks contained within a {{HTMLElement("video")}}  element, with each track represented by a separate {{domxref("VideoTrack")}}  object in the list.

Retrieve an instance of this object with {{domxref('HTMLMediaElement.videoTracks')}} . The individual tracks can be accessed using array syntax or functions such as {{jsxref("Array.forEach", "forEach()")}}  for example.


Instance properties

This interface also inherits properties from its parent interface, {{domxref("EventTarget")}} .

Instance methods

This interface also inherits methods from its parent interface, {{domxref("EventTarget")}} .


Usage notes

In addition to being able to obtain direct access to the video tracks present on a media element, VideoTrackList lets you set event handlers on the {{domxref("VideoTrackList/addtrack_event", "addtrack")}}  and {{domxref("VideoTrackList/removetrack_event", "removetrack")}}  events, so that you can detect when tracks are added to or removed from the media element’s stream.


Getting a media element’s video track list

To get a media element’s VideoTrackList, use its {{domxref("HTMLMediaElement.videoTracks", "videoTracks")}}  property.

const videoTracks = document.querySelector("video").videoTracks;

Monitoring track count changes

In this example, we have an app that displays information about the number of channels available. To keep it up to date, handlers for the {{domxref("VideoTrackList/addtrack_event", "addtrack")}}  and {{domxref("VideoTrackList/removetrack_event", "removetrack")}}  events are set up.

videoTracks.onaddtrack = updateTrackCount;
videoTracks.onremovetrack = updateTrackCount;

function updateTrackCount(event) {
  trackCount = videoTracks.length;



Browser compatibility


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