Detect WebGL
This example demonstrates how to detect a {{Glossary("WebGL")}}
rendering context and reports the result to the user.
Feature-detecting WebGL
In this first example we are going to check whether the browser supports {{Glossary("WebGL")}}
. To that end we will try to obtain the {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext","WebGL rendering context","",1)}}
from a {{domxref("HTMLCanvasElement","canvas")}}
element. The {{domxref("WebGLRenderingContext","WebGL rendering context", "", 1)}}
is an interface, through which you can set and query the state of the graphics machine, send data to the WebGL, and execute draw commands.
Saving the state of the graphics machine within a single context interface is not unique to {{Glossary("WebGL")}}
. This is also done in other graphics {{Glossary("API")}}
, such as the {{domxref("CanvasRenderingContext2D","canvas 2D rendering context", "", 1)}}
. However, the properties and variables you can tweak are different for each {{Glossary("API")}}
<p>[ Here would go the result of WebGL feature detection ]</p>
<button>Press here to detect WebGLRenderingContext</button>
body {
text-align: center;
button {
display: block;
font-size: inherit;
margin: auto;
padding: 0.6em;
// Run everything inside window load event handler, to make sure
// DOM is fully loaded and styled before trying to manipulate it.
() => {
const paragraph = document.querySelector("p");
const button = document.querySelector("button");
// Adding click event handler to button.
button.addEventListener("click", detectWebGLContext, false);
function detectWebGLContext() {
// Create canvas element. The canvas is not added to the
// document itself, so it is never displayed in the
// browser window.
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
// Get WebGLRenderingContext from canvas element.
const gl =
canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
// Report the result.
paragraph.textContent =
gl instanceof WebGLRenderingContext
? "Congratulations! Your browser supports WebGL."
: "Failed. Your browser or device may not support WebGL.";
The source code of this example is also available on GitHub.