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WebTransport API

{{DefaultAPISidebar("WebTransport API")}} {{SecureContext_Header}}  {{AvailableInWorkers}} 

The WebTransport API provides a modern update to {{domxref("WebSockets API", "WebSockets", "", "nocode")}} , transmitting data between client and server using HTTP/3 Transport. WebTransport provides support for multiple streams, unidirectional streams, and out-of-order delivery. It enables reliable transport via {{domxref("Streams API", "streams", "", "nocode")}}  and unreliable transport via UDP-like datagrams.

Concepts and usage

HTTP/3 has been in progress since 2018. It is based on Google’s QUIC protocol (which is itself based on UDP), and fixes several issues around the classic TCP protocol, on which HTTP and WebSockets are based.

These include:

The WebTransport API provides low-level access to two-way communication via HTTP/3, taking advantage of the above benefits, and supporting both reliable and unreliable data transmission.

Initial connection

To open a connection to an HTTP/3 server, you pass its URL to the {{domxref("WebTransport.WebTransport", "WebTransport()")}}  constructor. Note that the scheme needs to be HTTPS, and the port number needs to be explicitly specified. Once the {{domxref("WebTransport.ready")}}  promise fulfills, you can start using the connection.

Also note that you can respond to the connection closing by waiting for the {{domxref("WebTransport.closed")}}  promise to fulfill. Errors returned by WebTransport operations are of type {{domxref("WebTransportError")}} , and contain additional data on top of the standard {{domxref("DOMException")}}  set.

const url = "";

async function initTransport(url) {
  // Initialize transport connection
  const transport = new WebTransport(url);

  // The connection can be used once ready fulfills
  await transport.ready;

  // ...

// ...

async function closeTransport(transport) {
  // Respond to connection closing
  try {
    await transport.closed;
    console.log(`The HTTP/3 connection to ${url} closed gracefully.`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`The HTTP/3 connection to ${url} closed due to ${error}.`);

Unreliable transmission via datagrams

“Unreliable” means that transmission of data is not guaranteed, nor is arrival in a specific order. This is fine in some situations and provides very fast delivery. For example, you might want to transmit regular game state updates where each message supersedes the last one that arrives, and order is not important.

Unreliable data transmission is handled via the {{domxref("WebTransport.datagrams")}}  property — this returns a {{domxref("WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream")}}  object containing everything you need to send datagrams to the server, and receive them back.

The {{domxref("WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream.writable")}}  property returns a {{domxref("WritableStream")}}  object that you can write data to using a writer, for transmission to the server:

const writer = transport.datagrams.writable.getWriter();
const data1 = new Uint8Array([65, 66, 67]);
const data2 = new Uint8Array([68, 69, 70]);

The {{domxref("WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream.readable")}}  property returns a {{domxref("ReadableStream")}}  object that you can use to receive data from the server:

async function readData() {
  const reader = transport.datagrams.readable.getReader();
  while (true) {
    const { value, done } = await;
    if (done) {
    // value is a Uint8Array.

Reliable transmission via streams

“Reliable” means that transmission and order of data are guaranteed. That provides slower delivery (albeit faster than with WebSockets), and is needed in situations where reliability and ordering are important (such as chat applications, for example).

When using reliable transmission via streams you can also set the relative priority of different streams over the same transport.

Unidirectional transmission

To open a unidirectional stream from a user agent, you use the {{domxref("WebTransport.createUnidirectionalStream()")}}  method to get a reference to a {{domxref("WritableStream")}} . From this you can get a writer to allow data to be written to the stream and sent to the server.

async function writeData() {
  const stream = await transport.createUnidirectionalStream();
  const writer = stream.writable.getWriter();
  const data1 = new Uint8Array([65, 66, 67]);
  const data2 = new Uint8Array([68, 69, 70]);

  try {
    await writer.close();
    console.log("All data has been sent.");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`An error occurred: ${error}`);

Note also the use of the {{domxref("WritableStreamDefaultWriter.close()")}}  method to close the associated HTTP/3 connection once all data has been sent.

If the server opens a unidirectional stream to transmit data to the client, this can be accessed on the client via the {{domxref("WebTransport.incomingUnidirectionalStreams")}}  property, which returns a {{domxref("ReadableStream")}}  of {{domxref("WebTransportReceiveStream")}}  objects. These can be used to read {{jsxref("Uint8Array")}}  instances sent by the server.

In this case, the first thing to do is set up a function to read a WebTransportReceiveStream. These objects inherit from the ReadableStream class, so can be used in just the same way:

async function readData(receiveStream) {
  const reader = receiveStream.getReader();
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) {
    // value is a Uint8Array

Next, call {{domxref("WebTransport.incomingUnidirectionalStreams")}}  and get a reference to the reader available on the ReadableStream it returns, and then use the reader to read the data from the server. Each chunk is a WebTransportReceiveStream, and we use the readFrom() set up earlier to read them:

async function receiveUnidirectional() {
  const uds = transport.incomingUnidirectionalStreams;
  const reader = uds.getReader();
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) {
    // value is an instance of WebTransportReceiveStream
    await readData(value);

Bidirectional transmission

To open a bidirectional stream from a user agent, you use the {{domxref("WebTransport.createBidirectionalStream()")}}  method to get a reference to a {{domxref("WebTransportBidirectionalStream")}} . This contains readable and writable properties returning references to WebTransportReceiveStream and WebTransportSendStream instances that can be used to read from and write to the server.

Note: WebTransportBidirectionalStream is similar to {{domxref("WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream")}} , except that in that interface the readable and writable properties are ReadableStream and WritableStream respectively.

async function setUpBidirectional() {
  const stream = await transport.createBidirectionalStream();
  // stream is a WebTransportBidirectionalStream
  // stream.readable is a WebTransportReceiveStream
  const readable = stream.readable;
  // stream.writable is a WebTransportSendStream
  const writable = stream.writable;


Reading from the WebTransportReceiveStream can then be done as follows:

async function readData(readable) {
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  while (true) {
    const { value, done } = await;
    if (done) {
    // value is a Uint8Array.

And writing to the WebTransportSendStream can be done like this:

async function writeData(writable) {
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  const data1 = new Uint8Array([65, 66, 67]);
  const data2 = new Uint8Array([68, 69, 70]);

If the server opens a bidirectional stream to transmit data to and receive it from the client, this can be accessed via the {{domxref("WebTransport.incomingBidirectionalStreams")}}  property, which returns a {{domxref("ReadableStream")}}  of WebTransportBidirectionalStream objects. Each one can be used to read and write {{jsxref("Uint8Array")}}  instances as shown above. However, as with the unidirectional example, you need an initial function to read the bidirectional stream in the first place:

async function receiveBidirectional() {
  const bds = transport.incomingBidirectionalStreams;
  const reader = bds.getReader();
  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await;
    if (done) {
    // value is an instance of WebTransportBidirectionalStream
    await readData(value.readable);
    await writeData(value.writable);



For complete examples, see:



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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