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Web Authentication extensions

{{DefaultAPISidebar("Web Authentication API")}} 

The Web Authentication API has a system of extensions — extra functionality that can be requested during credential creation ({{domxref("CredentialsContainer.create()", "navigator.credentials.create()")}} ) or authentication ({{domxref("CredentialsContainer.get()", "navigator.credentials.get()")}} ) operations. This article explains how to request WebAuthn extensions, retrieve information about the responses from those requests, and the available extensions — including browser support and expected inputs and outputs.

How to use WebAuthn extensions

When invoking {{domxref("CredentialsContainer.create()", "navigator.credentials.create()")}}  or {{domxref("CredentialsContainer.get()", "navigator.credentials.get()")}} , the publicKey object parameter required to initiate a WebAuthn flow can include an extensions property. The value of extensions is itself an object, the properties of which are the input values for any extensions the relying party wishes to request the use of in the method you call.

Behind the scenes, the inputs are processed by the user agent and/or the authenticator.

For example, in a publicKey object for a create() call, we might want to request the use of two extensions:

  1. The credProps extension. Relying parties set credProps to request that the browser tells the relying party whether the credential is resident/discoverable after registration. This is useful when calling create() with publicKey.authenticatorSelection.residentKey = "preferred". To request it, you also need to set publicKey.extensions.credProps = true when the browser makes a credential and, depending on the type of authenticator used, it will be discoverable (for example, the FIDO2 authenticator would typically make it discoverable; FIDO1/U2F security key would be non-discoverable). credProps is processed by the user agent only.
  2. The minPinLength extension allows relying parties to request the authenticator’s minimum PIN length. This requires extensions.minPinLength to be set to true. minPinLength is processed by the authenticator, with the user agent only serving to pass the input data along to it.
const publicKey = {
  challenge: new Uint8Array([117, 61, 252, 231, 191, 241, ...]),
  rp: { id: "", name: "ACME Corporation" },
  user: {
    id: new Uint8Array([79, 252, 83, 72, 214, 7, 89, 26]),
    name: "jamiedoe",
    displayName: "Jamie Doe"
  pubKeyCredParams: [ {type: "public-key", alg: -7} ],
  authenticatorSelection: {
    residentKey: "preferred"
  extensions: {
    credProps: true,
    minPinLength: true

We can then pass the publicKey object into a create() call to initiate the credential creation flow:

navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey });

Retrieving extension request results

If successful, the create() call will return a {{jsxref("Promise")}}  that resolves with a {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential")}}  object. Once extension processing has completed, the results of the processing are communicated in the response (although not in all cases — it is possible for extensions to have no output).

  .create({ publicKey })
  .then((publicKeyCred) => {
    const myClientExtResults = publicKeyCred.getClientExtensionResults();
    // myClientExtResults will contain the output of processing
    // the "credProps" extension

    const authData = publicKeyCred.response.getAuthenticatorData();
    // authData will contain authenticator data, which will include
    // authenticator extension processing results, i.e., minPinLength
  .catch((err) => {

As demonstrated by the above code snippet, there are two different places to find your output extension results:

  1. You can find the results of client (user agent) extension processing by calling the {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential.getClientExtensionResults()")}}  method. This returns a {{jsxref("Map", "map")}} , with each entry being an extensions’ identifier string as the key, and the output from the processing of the extension by the client as the value. In the example above, if the browser supported the credProps extension and it was processed correctly, the myClientExtResults map object would contain one entry, "credProps", with a value of { rk: true }. This would verify that the created credential is indeed discoverable.

  2. You can find the results of authenticator extension processing in the authenticator data for the operation:

    • In the case of PublicKeyCredentials returned from successful create() calls, this can be returned via a call to {{domxref("AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.getAuthenticatorData", "publicKeyCredential.response.getAuthenticatorData()")}} .
    • In the case of PublicKeyCredentials returned from successful get() calls, this can be found in the {{domxref("AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.authenticatorData", "publicKeyCredential.response.authenticatorData")}}  property.

    Authenticator data takes the form of an {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer")}}  with a consistent structure — see authenticator data. The authenticator extension results data is always found in a section at the end, as a CBOR map representing the results. See {{domxref("AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.authenticatorData")}}  for a detailed description of the complete authenticator data structure.

    Back to our example, if the relying party is authorized to receive the minPinLength value, the authenticator data would contain a representation of it in the following form: "minPinLength": uint.

Available extensions

The extensions below do not represent an exhaustive list of all the extensions available. We have elected to document extensions that we know to be standardized and supported by at least one rendering engine.


Allows a relying party to request an assertion for a credential previously registered using the legacy FIDO U2F JavaScript API, avoiding the hassle of re-registering the credential. The appid is that API’s equivalent to the rpId in WebAuthn (although bear in mind that appids are in the form of URLs, whereas rpIds are in the form of domains).


The publicKey’s extensions property must contain an appid property, the value of which is the application identifier used in the legacy API. For example:

extensions: {
  appid: "";

You must also list the FIDO U2F credential IDs in the publicKey’s allowCredentials property, for example:

allowCredentials: {
    id: arrayBuffer, // needs to contain decoded binary form of id
    transports: ["nfc", "usb"]
    type: "public-key"


Outputs appid: true if the appid was successfully used for the assertion, or appid: false otherwise.


Allows a relying party to exclude authenticators containing specified credentials previously registered using the legacy FIDO U2F JavaScript API during registration. This is required because by default the contents of the excludeCredentials field are assumed to be WebAuthn credentials. When using this extension, you can include legacy FIDO U2F credentials inside excludeCredentials, and they will be recognized as such.


The publicKey’s extensions property must contain an appidExclude property, the value of which is the identifier of the relying party requesting to exclude authenticators by legacy FIDO U2F credentials. For example:

extensions: {
  appidExclude: "";

You can then list FIDO U2F credentials in the publicKey’s excludeCredentials property, for example:

excludeCredentials: {
    id: arrayBuffer, // needs to contain decoded binary form of id
    transports: ["nfc", "usb"]
    type: "public-key"


Outputs appidExclude: true if the extension was acted upon, or appidExclude: false otherwise.


Allows a relying party to request additional information/properties about the credential that was created. This is currently only useful when calling create() with publicKey.authenticatorSelection.residentKey = "preferred"; it requests information on whether the created credential is discoverable.


The publicKey’s extensions property must contain a credProps property with a value of true:

extensions: {
  credProps: true;

You must also set authenticatorSelection.requireResidentKey to true, which indicates that a resident key is required.

authenticatorSelection: {
  requireResidentKey: true;


Outputs the following if the registered {{domxref("PublicKeyCredential")}}  is a client-side discoverable credential:

credProps: {
  rk: true;

If rk is set to false in the output, the credential is a server-side credential. If rk is not present in the output, then it is not known whether the credential is client-side discoverable or server-side.


Allows a relying party to specify a minimum credential protection policy when creating a credential.


The publicKey’s extensions property must contain a credentialProtectionPolicy property specifying the protection level of the credential to be created, and a boolean enforceCredentialProtectionPolicy property specifying whether the create() call should fail rather than creating a credential that does not conform to the specified policy:

extensions: {
  credentialProtectionPolicy: "userVerificationOptional",
  enforceCredentialProtectionPolicy: true

The available credentialProtectionPolicy values are as follows:

[!NOTE] Chromium will default to userVerificationOptionalWithCredentialIDList or userVerificationRequired, depending on the type of request:

Suppose the enforceCredentialProtectionPolicy value is true. In that case, the create() call will fail if the policy cannot be adhered to (for example, it requires user verification, but the authenticator does not support user verification). If it is false, the system will make the best attempt to create a credential that conforms to the policy, but it will still create one that conforms as closely as it can if this is not possible.


If the create() call is successful, the authenticator data will contain a representation of the credProtect value representing the set policy in the following form:

{ "credProtect": 0x01 }


Allows a relying party to store blobs associated with a credential on the authenticator — for example, it may wish to directly store certificates rather than run a centralized authentication service.


During a create() call, the publicKey’s extensions property must contain a largeBlob property with the following object structure:

extensions: {
  largeBlob: {
    support: "required";

The support property’s value is a string, which can be one of the following:

During a get() call, the publicKey’s extensions property must contain a largeBlob property with one of two sub-properties — read or write (get() fails if both are present):

The read property is a boolean. A value of true indicates that the relying party would like to fetch a previously-written blob associated with the asserted credential:

extensions: {
  largeBlob: {
    read: true;

The write property takes as a value an {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer")}} , {{jsxref("TypedArray")}} , or {{jsxref("DataView")}}  representing a blob that the relying party wants to store alongside an existing credential:

extensions: {
  largeBlob: {
    write: arrayBuffer;

[!NOTE] For a write authentication operation to be successful, publicKey.allowCredentials must contain only a single element representing the credential you want the blob stored alongside.


A successful create() call provides the following extension output if the registered credential is capable of storing blobs:

largeBlob: {
  supported: true; // false if it cannot store blobs

A get() read call makes the blob available as an {{jsxref("ArrayBuffer")}}  in the extension output if successful:

largeBlob: {
  blob: arrayBuffer;

[!NOTE] If unsuccessful, the largeBlob object will be returned, but blob will not be present.

A get() write call indicates whether the write operation was successful with a written boolean value in the extension output. A true value means it was written successfully to the associated authenticator, and false means it was unsuccessful.

largeBlob: {
  written: true;


Allows relying parties to request the authenticator’s minimum PIN length.


The publicKey’s extensions property must contain a minPinLength property with a value of true:

extensions: {
  minPinLength: true;


If the relying party is authorized to receive the minPinLength value (if its rpId is present on the authenticator’s authorized relying party list), the authenticator data will contain a representation of it in the following form:

{"minPinLength": uint}

If the relying party is not authorized, the extension is ignored, and no "minPinLength" output value is provided.


Allows a relying party to request the creation of a WebAuthn credential that may be used – by both the Relying Party and other parties – with Secure Payment Confirmation; see Using Secure Payment Confirmation.


The inputs for the payment extension are defined in the AuthenticationExtensionsPaymentInputs dictionary




There are a number of places that WebAuthn extensions are specified. IANA’s WebAuthn Extension Identifiers provides a registry of all extensions, but bear in mind that some may be deprecated.

Places where extensions are specified:

Browser compatibility

The compatibility data for WebAuthn extensions has been broken down into two tables — extensions that can be used during credential registration ({{domxref("CredentialsContainer.create()","create()")}} ), and extensions that can be used during authentication ({{domxref("CredentialsContainer.get()","get()")}} ). Some extensions are usable during both operations.


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