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{{APIRef("UI Events")}} 

The WheelEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device.

[!NOTE] This is the standard wheel event interface to use. Old versions of browsers implemented the non-standard and non-cross-browser-compatible MouseWheelEvent and {{DOMxRef("MouseScrollEvent")}}  interfaces. Use this interface and avoid the non-standard ones.

Don’t confuse the wheel event with the {{domxref("Element/scroll_event", "scroll")}}  event:



Instance properties

This interface inherits properties from its ancestors, {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} , {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} , and {{DOMxRef("Event")}} .

Note: Element: mousewheel event has additional documentation about the deprecated properties wheelDelta, wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY.

Instance methods

This interface doesn’t define any specific methods, but inherits methods from its ancestors, {{DOMxRef("MouseEvent")}} , {{DOMxRef("UIEvent")}} , and {{DOMxRef("Event")}} .



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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