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Window: opener property

{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}} 

The {{domxref("Window")}}  interface’s opener property returns a reference to the window that opened the window, either with {{domxref("", "open()")}} , or by navigating a link with a target attribute.

In other words, if window A opens window B, B.opener returns A.


A {{domxref("Window")}} -like object referring to the window that opened the current window (using {{domxref("")}} , or by a link with target attribute set). If this window was not opened by being linked to or created by another, returns null.

If the opener is not on the same origin as the current page, functionality of the opener object is limited. For example, variables and functions on the window object are not accessible. However, navigation of the opener window is possible, which means that the opened page can open a URL in the original tab or window. In some cases, this makes phishing attacks possible, where a trusted page that is opened in the original window is replaced by a phishing page by the newly opened page.

To be exact, for cross-origin opener objects, the following properties are available:

In addition, there are a few properties: then, {{jsxref("Symbol/toStringTag", "[Symbol.toStringTag]")}} , {{jsxref("Symbol/hasInstance", "[Symbol.hasInstance]")}} , {{jsxref("Symbol/isConcatSpreadable", "[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]")}} , which are used by various JavaScript operations. These properties have values undefined. All other properties generate a SecurityError {{domxref("DOMException")}}  when accessed.

In the following cases, the browser does not populate window.opener, but leaves it null:



Browser compatibility


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