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Window: rejectionhandled event

{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}} 

The rejectionhandled event is sent to the script’s global scope (usually {{domxref("window")}}  but also {{domxref("Worker")}} ) whenever a rejected JavaScript {{jsxref("Promise")}}  is handled late, i.e. when a handler is attached to the promise after its rejection had caused an {{domxref("Window.unhandledrejection_event", "unhandledrejection")}}  event.

This can be used in debugging and for general application resiliency, in tandem with the unhandledrejection event, which is sent when a promise is rejected but there is no handler for the rejection at the time.


Use the event name in methods like {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener", "addEventListener()")}} , or set an event handler property.

addEventListener("rejectionhandled", (event) => {});
onrejectionhandled = (event) => {};

Event type

A {{domxref("PromiseRejectionEvent")}} . Inherits from {{domxref("Event")}} .


Event properties

Event handler aliases

In addition to the Window interface, the event handler property onrejectionhandled is also available on the following targets:


You can use the rejectionhandled event to log promises that get rejected to the console, along with the reasons why they were rejected:

  (event) => {
    console.log(`Promise rejected; reason: ${event.reason}`);



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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