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The aria-multiline attribute indicates whether a textbox accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line.


The default behavior of the Enter or Return key differs between single-line and multi-line text fields. When user focus is in a single-line ``{{htmlelement(“input/text”, ‘<input type=“text”>’)}}&nbsp;, an Enter or Return keystroke usually submits the form.

When user focus is in a multi-line {{HTMLElement('textarea')}} , the keystroke inserts a line break. Only relevant for elements with the textbox role set, the aria-multiline attribute indicates to assistive technologies whether that text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line, setting expectations as to what type of data to enter and what those keystroke will do.

[!NOTE] Where possible, use the HTML {{HTMLElement('input')}}  or the {{HTMLElement('textarea')}} , as these have built in semantics and behaviors, do not require ARIA attributes or scripting, and have keyboard support built in.

If the aria-multiline="true" is set, it means the textbox widget will accept line breaks within the input, similar to the HTML {{HTMLElement('textarea')}} . Elements with a role of textbox that do not have the attribute, or with the value set to false, are simple text box.

Be aware of focus and keystrokes when designing text boxes. ARIA only modifies the accessibility tree and therefore how assistive technology presents the textbox to your users. ARIA doesn’t change anything about an element’s default function or behavior. When not using semantic HTML elements for their intended purpose and default functionality, you must use JavaScript to manage behavior and functionality, including responding to keystroke events.


Associated interfaces

Associated roles

Used in roles:

Inherits into roles:



See also

In this article

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