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ARIA: application role


The application role indicates to assistive technologies that an element and all of its children should be treated similar to a desktop application, and no traditional HTML interpretation techniques should be used. This role should only be used to define very dynamic and desktop-like web applications. Most mobile and desktop web apps are not considered applications for this purpose.

<div role="application" aria-label="…"></div>

By specifying the application role, it indicates this div element and all of its descendants are to be treated like they are part of a desktop application.


The application document structure role, indicates to assistive technologies that this part of the web content contains elements that do not conform to any other known HTML element or WAI-ARIA widget. Any sort of special interpretation of HTML structures and widgets should be suspended, and control should be completely handed over to the browser and web application to handle mouse, keyboard, or touch interaction.

In this mode, the web author is completely responsible for handling any and all keyboard input, focus management, and other interactions and cannot assume assistive technologies would do any processing on their end.

If the web application encompassed by the application role contains parts that should be treated like normal web content, a role of document or article should be used to contain such content.


For historic reasons, especially on Windows, screen readers and some other assistive technologies (AT) have traditionally grabbed the whole web content from the browser at once after it had finished loading. The ATs build their own representation of it that makes the most sense for a visually impaired user to consume the content. This is often referred to as virtual document, browse mode, or similar terms. The document is streamlined to a single-column view. A keyboard interaction model is generated that is very similar to a word processor where users can read line by line, sentence by sentence, or paragraph by paragraph. The AT will read any semantics like links, headings, form controls, tables, lists, or images.

In addition, a set of so-called quick navigation keys has been established over the years that allows visually impaired users to skim through a page via a certain element type. Such elements usually include headings, form fields, lists, tables, links, graphics, or landmark regions.

For all of this to work, ATs intercept almost all keyboard input and consume it themselves, letting nothing through to the browser or other user agent. To be able to interact with a web page, a standard set of widgets is recognized that, when pressing a certain key (usually the Enter key) this mode is switched off. The screen reader mode, often called forms mode or focus mode, lets all keyboard input go through to the browser again. Escape is the most common way of switching back to browse mode, but when within a specific application section, some screen readers may require other keys to purposefully exit this mode. For instance NUMPAD PLUS with JAWS.

The application role is designed to provide a means for widgets that are not part of the standard set to be accessible for direct interaction in ATs that use both browse and focus modes for interacting with web content. Most common widgets have expected keyboard interaction behaviors. Because of this, a custom keyboard experience created by a web author would create a confusing experience.

Associated WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties

Keyboard interactions

Keyboard interaction is completely under the web author’s control and can be anything associated with the particular widget being implemented. In a slides application, for example, a widget could be created that uses the arrow keys to position elements on the slide, and uses audio feedback via an ARIA live region to communicate the position and overlap status with other objects. Focus is being managed via aria-activedescendant.

The Tab, Space and Enter keys, as well as Escape, must be handled by the application. The one exception is if focus is set to a standard widget inside the application that supports keyboard navigation from the browser, for example an input element.

Required JavaScript features

[!NOTE] The application role does not have a related HTML widget and thus is completely free form. The author of the application must take full responsibility for not letting users get stuck in a focus trap inside something the user cannot exit from. All aspects of interaction, including returning to the regular web content on other parts of the page, must be handled. Use wisely, and cautiously, and remember to test!


Some prominent web applications that use or have used the application role properly are:

Accessibility concerns

Improperly using the application role can unintentionally take away access from information on a web page, so be very mindful of using it. Think hard on if you actually need it and cannot just use a set of other known widgets to accomplish the same task.

If used, the application role should be added to the lowest common container possible, not on the <body> element, for example. Also be sure to test what you have written with assistive technology, to verify it works as intended.



Precedence order

Applying the application role will cause this and all of the descendant elements of this element to be treated like application content, not web content. Any reading mechanisms assistive technologies may have for web content will not apply.

See also

In this article

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