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ARIA: columnheader role


The columnheader value of the ARIA role attribute identifies an element as being a cell in a row contains header information for a column, similar to the native {{HTMLElement('th')}}  element with column scope.


An element with role="columnheader" nested as a descendant for an element with role="row", is a static tabular structure of a column header cell in a tabular container, either a table or grid, or other chart that needs to show data relationships. To be supported, the columnheader must be nested in an element with the role of row.

Associated WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties

All column headers should be nested within a row. Every row, in turn, should be nested within a grid, table, or treegrid, alternatively within a rowgroup nested within one of the above.

Keyboard interactions

This role does not support any specific keyboard interaction.

Required JavaScript features

JavaScript is only required if the aria-sort attribute is used.


    <tr role="row">
      <th role="columnheader" scope="col">
        <button>First Name</button>
      <th role="columnheader" scope="col">
        <button>Last Name</button>
      <th role="columnheader" scope="col" aria-sort="ascending">
        <button>Company Name</button>
      <th role="columnheader" scope="col">
        <button>Job Title</button>

Best Practices

Column headers should contain a title or header information for the column.

The first rule of ARIA is: if a native HTML element or attribute has the semantics and behavior you require, use it instead of re-purposing an element and adding an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible. It is recommended to use the native HTML <th> element with the scope attribute set <th scope="col"> instead of a <div> or other element. If you use semantic HTML’s <th scope="col"> the role attribute is not required, but can be included as a back up to ensure the table retains its semantics should the default semantics be removed with a CSS display property value.

The aria-sort attribute can be added to a <th scope="col"> even when the ARIA role attribute is not specified.

Prefer HTML

Columnheader has the same semantics <th scope="col">.



See also

In this article

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